Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bandit Strike

Tulips... two lips kiss! As this sleepy town begins to rub its eyes awake this Sunday morning, hearts are everywhere! The explanation? The Valentine Bandit has left his mark around the city again this February 14th. Just who this is that 'litters' the windows around this town with masking taped hearts is unknown to most. They certainly are the kind of 'bandits'(it must be a small army?!) that most don't want caught..., although I bet there are some that treat this small heartfelt thought more as litter than love. As the ancient tale tells us sometimes it's just the way of the world.
All I'll say is 'stop draggin' my heart around", and Happy Valentines' Day to my special Elenka!


  1. Aww, you're my heart bandito! Celebrating your 'new' heart this Valentine's Day. Love you wicked!

  2. Nice shot. You mean they haven't caught you yet?

  3. If these are your 'bandits' there is nothing to worry about...

  4. Hi Birdman....nice to meet you! What a cute idea! Is this in Portland?

  5. i think it's a great idea too! maybe terrell should have one of these heart-felt bandits next year!

  6. Well, now we know it's not you...I don't think you're quite up to the task as your own dear heart recuperates. Happy Valentines day to you and ms. downeastdoingstuff, you tender hearts, you.
