Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19, 1975

Thirty-five years ago today at 5 PM at the Portland Club, it all became history. A marriage made in heaven? Many days I really think so. The following morning we flew from Boston to Bermuda for a week of sun, aqua water, white sand beaches, motorbikes and rum runners. We said we'd return in 5 years, but like lots of events in life, it never happened. This summer, however, we'll cruise the Caribbean, and on our way we'll stop and visit Bermuda again. Now, these rings-- designed by E-, were made from melting down our high school rings and buying a bit more gold to go along. They are quite cool(if you ask me) and are often the subject of conversation when people get a good look at them and hear the story. So today, I'll just say what I try to say to her each and every day... Love ya E-! kisskisskiss!


  1. Good for your both. Happy Anniversary.

  2. aww, that is a sweet story. Happy Anniversary to you both!

  3. Best 35 years of my life, so many wonderful memories. There are no words to rhank you enough, Birdman. Love ya so much. Happy Anniversary. Here's to many, many more.

  4. Please accept the loving best wishes from another long term couple. Mr. and Mrs. Brattcat send you bouquets of congratulations. May it be a magical day and another wondrous year to come.

  5. Happy Anniversary to you both!
    Sunny :)

  6. Congratulations, Birdman and E. on your many years together! It is so wonderful how crazy the two of you are about each other after all these years. I wish for you much happiness and joy for many, many more years!! xxoo

  7. What a sweet story and the rings are gorgeous! Happy Anniversary to you both.

  8. Happy Anniversary to a wonderful couple that were certainly meant for each other. I love being with you guys!!!

  9. They are cool. It will be cool too when you get back to Bermuda.

  10. Congrats..............Have fun on your mini trip to the cozy and romantic edge of the mountain.

  11. AWWW!!! beautiful rings. congrats! ;)
