Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cool Sneaks

Kids today! Fashion today! These colors are a long way away from my simple PF Flyer days that Mom bought for me at the local discount store. Although the design of that pair, second from the left, looks pretty close. Each spring, my Mom would restock my brother and I with a brand spanking, new pair of hightop sneakers. By late August, as I remember, the colors were indistinguishable and our toes were pushing their way through major holes, thanks to endless games of baseball, hide and seek, building tree forts and our home-made racing buggies(our version of go-carts with just kid power) and just the effect of two growing pre-teen boys. My sisters and their sneakers? Who knows. They are probably still perfectly preserved somewhere out there in sneaker heaven! Hahahahaha!


  1. LOL not only for kids, here my teen daughter lovessss these stuffs, all kind of "All Stars"!
    Great picture, it's adorable!

  2. Do you realize kids do virtually none of the things we did as kids? How did we ever make it through a summer without a video game or texting?

  3. Your word vignettes belong in a book, yep.

  4. Red Ball Jets! That's the brand I would get. A little red ball on the back of the heal on the rubber band. That made them official! You're funny. At the end of summer, the red ball was still on the back!

  5. These shoes are awesome I really like the shoes that have the blue shoelaces they are awesome shoes!!!!!!!!!

  6. Thanks for taking pictures of my shoes birdman!!!!!! You rock!!! They rock my socks off!!!!!!!!!

  7. These shoes are very popular around my community. I think I need a pair.

  8. I like the ones with the Peace signs!

  9. Indeed! Whatever happened to PF Flyers?

  10. those are cool i have black ones from the miley cyrus line at walmart but i took the laces out because i hate the color white and put neon green ones in
