Friday, September 6, 2013

Dying House

This house needs some love. It's salvageable for sure, but it needs some structure work, a few pieces of window glass, some paint, a new roof and a couple of hours with a chain saw. And that's just the exterior. I'm almost willing to bet that the interior has been gutted. I haven't seen any activity around it for about four years or so. Similar to us, let yourself go, get your body in a tough spot, whether old or young, and the 'repair work' won't be accomplished overnight. With us the road back, is often filled with many a pitfall, both physical and emotionally. But whether you're a 100+ year old structure or us, the payback is the same. It's a mighty good feeling to have worked your way back to the point that the mirror is your friend again. 
So maybe the recipe for today is: invite a building inspector over for lunch, purchase some lumber, pull that chainsaw out hibernation, mow that front lawn and get yourself back on track.
You can be a showplace again.


  1. I'm not quite a 100 year old structure yet but I could do with a bit of renovation :))

  2. oh, i do know the fight back is not fun! :)

  3. Thanks for that pep talk. I needed that.

  4. I'd like very much to rescue it!

  5. If a family making 40% of the community medium income or less lived there, they could apply to Habitat For Humanity's program called "A Brush With Kindness." They family would need to partner with Habitat by providing some volunteer hours, but Habitat would pay for paint and provide volunteer labor. For getting a body back into physical shape nothing works better than volunteer construction work. It's better than a Health Club membership.

  6. Was I EVER a showplace??
    I remember warnings to never go inside houses like this one, we were told that the roof would fall in on us...

  7. Taken has a good idea. Let us know when to show up with our carpenter's belts.

  8. It could be such a great looking house.

  9. This house really needs some love beautiful...
