Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fall Dragger

Well, we can kiss summer goodbye officially this afternoon amid the rain. I'm not complaining though. I think I enjoyed every single day, at least I tried to.


  1. It was a great summer. And not a bad start to autumn, at least not in my part of the planet.

  2. Summer was great, but I never got everything done. The days just melted away. Fall is also a wonderful season, but it has a touch of melancholy as we face winter.

  3. Fall is my favorite season and I welcome it with open arms.

  4. Yep, I know what you feel. Yesterday my friend welcomed Spring. I wish I could do it too :)

  5. Of course you did! Missed you at the Common Ground Fair! (no rain yesterday...)

  6. When I lived in Illinois I always loved fall. I love the coolness in the air and mother natures show of colors.

  7. It was the perfect first day of Fall here.

  8. Yes, it was a pretty good summer. September has been about as beautiful as can be so far.

    It is far more fun being positive than being cranky, I have found. And I used to be pretty good at being cranky. The trick is to make the conscious choice to be positive.

  9. And good for you. Carpe diem and all that. It will keep you in good memories in the chill autumn rain.

  10. I also tried to enjoy every single day this summer. We did have more here mid days that I like but at least I wasn't in hot humid Mississippi. I am recording my comment by talking into my iPhone which means no real good punctuation. By that I mean the necessary, here and there, but it makes for far easier commenting. I enjoy looking and commenting so much.
