Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rolling Tires

These look to be pretty tired looking tires that have seen better days. They resemble the discarded tires that used to be stacked behind the ESSO gas station. Back then, times were simple. We often spent hours just rolling tires down the hill behind the station. The stocky, olive-skinned guy who was the boss said, Roll to your heart's content, but just get 'em back up the hill at the end of your fun". One afternoon, we found a couple of huge tractor tires and rolled them to the BIG hill at Gullivers Field. It took us about 20 minutes to get them there, and then we dared each other to 'ride the tire' by climbing inside for a downhill scream. It was a scary 'downhill adventure'. I tried it once, and that was it for me. When I finally crawled out, I was in a state of heightened dizziness and was sick to stomach for the next 20 minutes. 
It wasn't the smartest of our adventures, but it sure was 'quick fun'!


  1. Back in the day of city dumps, when we lived in Price, Utah we loved going to the dump which was on the side of a hill finding the tires and rolling them down the hill into the canyon below. There must have been hundreds or maybe thousands of tires scattered all over the bottom of the hill. Probably a superfund site now.

  2. Ugh. Boys have (had?) the strangest idea of fun.

  3. Have yu ever thought of writing children's book on your adventures, "A Memoir of. . ."

  4. Well, I'm not surprised that you've done this, not one bit. I'm also thankful that my own two sons never had the chance because I believe they would've done it, too. And isn't it wonderful how something we see and photograph today can often bring back memories? Hopefully good memories, which I suppose this is even if you were dizzy and sick to your stomach.

  5. Love that the gas station boss let you kids use the tires for fun as long as you returned them. But the tractor tire 'adventure'--once again, I wonder how you and your pals made it to adulthood . . .

  6. Those tires look about right for recycling. No business would ever let kids roll tires down hill these days. You enjoyed a special time in your childhood.

  7. Isn't quick fun what it's all about.

    The surface of the tires looks looks like silver-gray fish skin, a good style for a New England coastal town.

  8. Now those have seen better days.

  9. I don't think so Birdman, not then & not now :))
