Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Our birdbath has been out for about a month now. If that ain't a sign of an early spring, I don't know what is. It looks like it needs to be balanced a bit, but that's gonna wait for another day. Birdbaths always remind me of 250 Main Street, Westbrook. My grandparents had one that sat in the middle of their backyard close to the trellis and white fence- (yes, I pulled a 'Tom Sawyer' one summer painting it). Summers it was surrounded by a ceramic mother duck and her three ducklings. As soon as the warm weather hit they 'found' their way out of the cellar and into this prime location. In their kitchen, if I crawled up next to the old sink looking out the windows, I could keep and eye on this scene all summer long. Quack! Quack!


  1. One of the greatest rewards of having brothers and sisters comes later...when you sit around and realize you lived the same lives but each in his own way remembers the event under a different veil. Ah...the ducks. Yet another reminder od how we are connected through the events of the past...
    love ya, bro

  2. This looks like a giant, bleached daisy, Birdman. Hope that doesn't quack you up.

  3. I have two in my back yard and one in my front, but they stay out all year, even though it gets cold enough for them to freeze sometimes. The squirrels use them too!

  4. It only seems right that Birdman have a Birdbath.
    Sunny :)

  5. My late mother-in-law (may she rest in peace) had a plaster duck family as well as a deer and fawn in her front yard. And of course she had a birdbath that was always full.
