Friday, October 8, 2010

Park Boulders

It was a nice, peaceful morning, ripe for a walk in the park. Tommy's Park. amid the Old Port, is a destination that'll bring you the respite you need on a bustling Saturday afternoon dodging skateboards(hence the boulders, I take it), yappin' puppies or crowded sidewalks. It's even a more pleasant spot on a sunny Sunday morning coffee in hand. Out our way, most trees have turned to their fall colors. There seem to be lots of muted reds, yellows and oranges this autumn. As you can see here, these city 'greens' are hanging on for dear life. These days temps are beginning to struggle to stay in the 60s., and this Sunday, our first hard frost is looming. Just can't fight mother nature.
J and B head back to Oregon this afternoon. As always, the two weeks flew by, but these two really know how to enjoy themselves. They were go, go, go every day for the fortnight. Safe passage!


  1. I should think the boulders would be just another obstacle to climb over for the skateboarders.

  2. I hope you had wonderful adventures with J&B. They sure had a mix of weather.

  3. Those are giant sized rocks. Too bad they spoil the skateboarders rides; I don't mind them at all and enjoy watching the versatility of the kids.

  4. The place is beautiful, and those stones are a kind of "benches", really nice!
    I wish you a great weekend,

  5. great shot and very interesting to see these large boulders integrated into the park in this manner.

  6. I like the boulders. They add a unique quality to the scene.

  7. I agree with Lois, I like the boulders. It makes for a pretty, peaceful looking scene. Have a good weekend Birdman.

  8. Fall leaf colors hold incredible fascination for many of us on the left coast. Since they presage winter, do you start to freak out knowing that tons of snow for several weeks are heading your way? Here when the night temps drop below 60 we're all "brrr" and "turn on the heat."

  9. Looks like a great place to hang out and people watch.
