Thursday, March 15, 2012

Window Dressing

They say we dream quite a bit each night. We might, but I don't remember my dreams. I have to laugh a bit when I hear that some people actually sit up and write down their dreams in the middle of the night. The other night I woke up repeatedly with strange doings. I've heard that dreams are ways our mind helps us work out our real life 'dramas'. That makes sense to me, but now I'm trying to figure out what that night was all about. One of the happenings has me still thinking about it. I do remember my emotions were torn in two directions. I was happy; I was sad. And now, I'm just confused. Sometimes things are not quite as they appear, or are they?


  1. Dreaming is wonderful. I have more now than ever before and the thing I like about my dreams is that I can stop, think about something else while dreaming and then go back and solve the problem where I had stopped.

  2. perhaps it was something you ate?

  3. je trouve que le choix de la photo,par rapport a ton texte sur les reves, est tres bien choisie

  4. Always check your assumptions, Birdman, especially when it comes to impressions. Reflect on it!

  5. Interesting thoughts today! I tend to remember the very strange dreams I have but, most dreams just slip away.

  6. Cool story.I'm not sure if I can speak French in my dreams...I'm just thinking of it now!I guess I speak Portuguese. (????)
    And...I also love that shot, so beautiful reflections!

  7. i sure wish our subconscious would give us clearer direction than it does!

  8. It's funny how you remeber them at first and then pfft they are gone!

  9. your pic matches well with a writing about dreams.. I always remember my dreams, but don't know what they mean, and I' m not sure I want to know!

  10. I remember them for the first few groggy instants while I am waking up, but the clearer I get, the less I recall.

  11. I agree with Malyss, nice combo.
