Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hey Hay

When left to my own devices, I sometimes do too much thinking. I even heard it from some sources(say Elenka) that their 'brain itches' sometimes. I've always made light of this fact, but now I'm thinking that there might be some relevancy to this seemingly funny aspect. When I'm left alone I'm up early, can get a bit lazy and get to wondering about stuff. Even the cats are getting a bit tired of all my questions. While I should be finding a pile of hay and lying about, I'm thinking... Why do I allow John Lester and the Sox to drive me crazy this summer? Why do media outlets that advertise themselves as 'fair and balanced' come off as anything but? Why, in this age of so much technology, do we still have utility poles and wires hanging all over that reek havoc after summer and winter storms? Why do we have to age? How many miles are there in the world? Why is it that I fear I will not be able to do all the things I want to do before I ride off into the sunset? I guess these are a few of the things that are making me 'itchy' this morning, and I know it's not this hay. Can you at least help me with one of these? I'd be much obliged, and it would allow me to get on to more pressing matters, like figuring out when the next season of Project Runway (say Heidi Klum) starts. See, I REALLY do too much thinking on my own, and these cats are no help at all!


  1. I'm not sure it will help you; but today, I posted a little something for you on my blog; Maybe an other subject to think about, maybe a clue to be happy for a short while, and to forget to think during a few minutes ... :o)

  2. according to kurtzweil soon we won't have to age...though perhaps not soon enough for the likes of us, birdman. oh, and just a suggestion, don't believe anything any cat tells you. they take far too much pleasure in our ineptitude to ever give us a useful answer.

  3. I don't know about anything else, my lovely birdman, but this I know.

    Thursday, July 19th, 9 p.m.

    Now you just have to figure out if that's when wires go underground, John Lester's birthday (whoever the heck he is), the end of the world or the night you can lay eyes on Heidi Klum again.

    You decide.

    Miss ya!!!!

  4. Lucky ol' me!
    I received a Sunshine Award from Malyss today. Check out her blog @
    This broad rocks!

  5. Ok, Elenka just texted me and said I should have said w/ regards to Malyss, " This BEAUTIFUL, young lady rocks!"
    She's probably right, you know.

  6. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeee! Project Runway is this Thursday. I watch it for the fashion trends!?

    1. I think that you have too much time on your hands!! Elenka - come home soon, please!

  7. Important lights to think of...Here I would include in my thoughts "why do kids grow up so fast?"...well, and the weather here really bothers me!
    ahhh I like the sensation of texture in the picture, I would like to touch it!

  8. HEY!!! Stop thinking already! You're driving us all to drinking with your thinking! :-)

  9. most of those thoughts hit me at night when i'd rather be sleeping!

  10. Nothing like a fresh haystack to get a fella to wonderin'.

  11. I thought possibly that you watched Project Runway for the sewing tips as well.

  12. Better to think than not think -- barbara

  13. What a great image you picked to go with your many, many questions today Birdman, it's kind of 'all over the place' just like your thoughts haha! You never know you might solve a few of the worlds 'biggies' when you're in this frame of mind!!

  14. Just "Lady rocks" will be enough, Thanks! :o)

  15. The cats have all the answers...getting it out of them is the challenge.

  16. The British Government has just announced they are to give billions to the railways to upgrade. The rail companies want all electric cables to be the overhead kind! That is going to look hideous. As you would say: Sheeeesh!

  17. Let the cats do the thinking and sink into the hay!

  18. Ha ha, you sound like me! Summer always gets me going with new ideas which drives those around me crazy! For what it's worth though, I agree with cieldequimper.

  19. My cat wouldn't help you either!

  20. start listing out the questions and blog about each of them in separate posts! Spread the itch :)

  21. 1. Baseball is inherently disappointing, just like so many of life's activities.

    2. Money and evil intentions.

    3. Because it's cheaper to do that and fix them when necessary than to put them underground, at least in most places.

    4. The second law of thermodynamics: entropy, perhaps the most powerful force in the universe.

    5. Depends on how many starting points you want to define. Therefore infinite.

    6. Because entropy makes it impossible, unless you are a slug.

    So that's my essay for the day. BTW, nice picture.

  22. A cat, Heidi and Hay well I never.

  23. I second every single question you ask. Except the one about baseball. But I imagine that one cozies up to my tennis question, so we're still 100%.

  24. I love how hay gets baled into those perfect squares or cylinders.
