Sunday, July 1, 2012

Theme Day: Chimneys

Today, July 1, 2012 is Theme Day across the CDP(citydailyphoto) community. This is a photograph of one of the largest chimneys around. It's the main stack of the old SD Warren Paper Company. In my lifetime, it has been replaced a few of times and by the looks of it it looks like a new one is due soon. The new one goes up along side the old, gets working then the old one is taken down, section by section. It quite an endeavor that takes a few weeks to happen. Each time Nana and I walked to Cumberland Mills to the F.W. Woolworth Department Store to shop or Grampa and I drove anywhere in the city of Westbrook, this structure would loom over us. It was like 'big brother'; it seemed to be everywhere, watching us. And on certain days, under certain weather conditions, the stench could take your breath away. And that was not a good thing for man or beast. Now, if you enjoy the  constant aroma of cooking cabbage, you'd be in luck. Whew!


  1. Ah, lots of history related to this one!
    God bless you!

  2. I remember that smell. Every time you drove through Westbrook, you could count on a cooking cabbage smell. And then, all of a sudden it stopped. They figured out some way to handle it.

    One of the best field trips I ever went on (well, an 'educational' field trip) was one to S.D. Warren to learn how paper was made. It was fascinating. HOWEVER, I had to hang my clothes up on the line for several days just to get the stench out. I could not imagine working there.

    Westbrook has come a long way since then.

  3. Great memories. We, too, have lived near paper mills and know the distinct aroma. Love the chimney and the advertisement they all carry. Great shot.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  4. Love these old industrial chimneys.

  5. That is a big one indeed - we used to have lots but now much fewer - know what you mean about pigeons/squirrels (winged rats and tree rats my wife calls em)

  6. Not too many of those old industrial chimneys left anymore...thank goodness! Good addition to the theme day photos!

  7. The constant aroma of cooking cabbage is not something I would enjoy. I'll steer clear.

  8. A very interesting post ... these are very rare in the southern part of the country.

  9. I had a studio beside an old unused chimney like that and the top was taken over by hawks who would nest there every year. It was great fun watching the babies learn to fly each year.

  10. Having driven around Maine and Washington State, I know that paper mills do not produce perfume. We got big stinky hog farms in Missouri (fortunately not right around St. Louis). Can't say which is worse.

  11. Yikes, this is really, really tall. good image for theme day

  12. Birdman -- don't know much about paper mills but find this stack fascinating from an advertising relic standpoint. Nice photo. -- barbara

  13. I've never lived around a paper mill. I like the chimney but glad I never partook in the smell.

  14. That certainly is a monstrously tall chimney, made to look even taller with the tight cropping too!

  15. Nice chimney, it has been years since I've been around a paper mill. I remember that tey stunk to high heaven.

  16. Your post reminded me of the smells of a paper mill from my childhood. When the wind blew in the wrong (by my account) direction we were treated to that odor. From another direction we could detect the faint aroma of turpentine from the Hercules plant. That is indeed a huge chimney.


  17. Now you see you learn something every day, I did not know that a paper mill would smell like old cabbage, great shot for the theme day Birdman, I reckon your chimney here will hold up for a little longer!

  18. Ewwww, the foul smell of a paper mill - and I wonder why it is that way - I wonder what causes that gag-inducing odor?
