Sunday, March 31, 2013

Dawn Breaks

Dawn breaks. It's Easter. 

Each Easter season, I always enjoyed two things the pageantry of the long weekend in the pews of St. Joseph's and Easter morning on Stevens Avenue. I do think I know which of the festivities Mom and Dad enjoyed most. Holy Thursday. Good Friday. Holy Saturday. Easter Sunday. It seemed I was always at church. And after the 'madhouse' that ensued when four youngsters went pushing and shoving with our baskets all over the house looking for colored eggs dropped off by the Easter bunny, I guess the calm and  reverence of the hour long service bought at least Mom and Dad a little solitude from the 'storm'.  

And while I'm on the Easter bunny kick. What's the deal with the bunny delivering eggs? Wouldn't an Easter chicken make more sense?
Come on... let's stop livin' the lie.
Enjoy your day. 
By the way, I'm forgetting the eggs. I'm heading out early on a quest for Easter java!


  1. Happy Easter, Birdman and family!

    I have been enjoying the pageantry you speak of, via Internet, live from Rome, for the last few days.

    The Masses are long but it's a pleasure to see and hear the new pope.

  2. Dina is really into Easter this year! I miss the pageantry and tradition, but haven't participated this year at year. Have a happy spring!

    1. Kate, hehe, as long as I can "do Easter" from the privacy of my home. It's a learning experience for me, sparked by the friendliness of Francesco.

  3. growing up catholic, i enjoyed the solemnity of the holy thursday through holy saturday rites and remembrances. many an hour in church pews. stations of the cross all through lent. holy saturday, taking our 'hour' of watch in the church to remember jesus' tomb...

  4. My earliest memories of Easter were not good. We lived way up in the mountains at a ranger station. We'd dress up and take the long trip to Santa Fe to an overheated, too warm church. I passed out twice during the services. Very embarrassing.

  5. When I was little, it was church with a fancy dress and a big hat.

  6. So, are you like the Easter Grinch who wants to take away all those cute bunnies?

  7. My grandchildren said the same thing yesterday about bunny/chicken . . . and after dying eggs, they went dancing through the house saying, 'bawk, bawk, bawk, here comes the Easter chicken . . .'

  8. I liked this photo Birdman, I liked it because the view from where the picture is taken from. I also like it because of the natural day, with all the nice houses in the background, last but not least the pretty water.
