Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Coming clean today.
How about you?
Does it ever feel like your world is spinning upside down? I'm lucky. For the most part, I'm pretty right side up most of the time. Although, some who know me well might question that last statement. Some people though can be set off by smallest of items. You know clutter, magazines strewn about or mail scattered across the kitchen table. I must admit. Situations like this give me no matter. Clutter is my friend. I used to tell colleagues that my desk confusion, that was so evident in my room, was a sense of normalcy in my world. That was a lie! It was commonplace, and it bothered me, especially when I was on the 'hunt' for an important paper or folder that I knew was around there someplace. I was always impressed with math teachers. How did they do it? Lots of tests, but their desks were always clean and organized. I always wondered where does all their crap go? Where do they put it? It can't just be their 'left brain' pumping out organization in their world. Simply put, mass confusion, like a desk or room that looks like its been attacked by the run-of-the-mill tornado, is really not to my liking. It's not good for me. I know it, but...
Can I just have just a bit of a collage of my stuff around the den and porch? You know, for weeks?
Then where can I acquire some of that left brain stuff?


  1. Oh my, this one struck a nerve this morning. Since I'm still in unpacking mode, I have clutter everywhere and I can't find anything that I need. I'm going crazy!

  2. Before I retired, both my office at work and my house stayed cluttered, but I always could find whatever I needed. Now my house is less cluttered with my stuff and more so with my grandkids' toys, but I like it that way!

  3. I tend to accumulate little piles of 'important' stuff that start to overwhelm me every once in a while.

  4. Every once in a while I'll spill a large iced tea from McDonald's onto my desk. That usually takes care of it. :-)

  5. "An untidy desk is a sign of GENIUS" reads a plaque on the side of my work table.

  6. I love puddle shots. This is a great one!
    I can't stand clutter, but sometimes cleaning up is hard. :)

  7. nice reflection shot. i detest clutter. i keep things orderly, just very dusty. :)

  8. So, we have another trait in common: the desk and the neat colleagues...

  9. i am very disorganized and my husband is super organized...we drive each other crazy :D

  10. I am partially organized and partially disorganized. I would like to avoid clutter, but I NEED this stuff!! You are very normal in my world!

  11. Add me to the list of people with a cluttered but organised desk and one colleague in particular whose desk is... empty. Dunno how he does it.

  12. Not a big fan of clutter. . . like just enuf to make a room/place feel lived in, but no piles of crud . . . I bet Elenka is the same . . . mm?

  13. While my quarters are at least on face value tidy, admittedly my desk drawers look like a riot went off in them. Total clutter.

  14. A cluttered desk (like mine) is a sign of a clear mind. My desk is always full of papers to be graded, things to fill out, lesson plans, etc, etc, etc,......

  15. I love your photo and share your propensities!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= . <3

  16. My son is a high school math teacher. His desk at home is somewhere in the middle. Part of the secret is not acquiring a lot of junk. Check out Wayne used to have this on his Vancouver blog.

  17. You're asking this question of someone who lives 'down-under' Birdman :)
    P.s. The business man angel yesterday was just one of those very lucky placements, I couldn't believe my luck when he answered his phone right there :)

  18. I went to an organizing workshop once. I love those things, find organizing fascinating. But the truth is I think I'm a lot like you. And at the organizing workshop the trainer called my style "Heaper and Mounder." With rare exception I could mine the mounds and find the hidden treasure I sought. (Still do it at home.) It's a form of spacial archaeology, I think. It would be so nice to have a math desk and a math life, but, well, so it goes. Here's to heaping and mounding!
