Saturday, August 29, 2015

Ain't Me

This ain't me... yet.
On our last trip to the beach, Elenka strolled for shells, and I guess I drifted off. When I awoke, this old chap, and his lady friend nearby, had invaded our space... like within 18 inches of my chair. A wide expanse of sand, and he needed to nestle this close? 
Com' on Man! Give me some space!
Am I getting older?
I'm not on Facebook.
I've used the senior discount.
I don't give a crap about 'snapchat'.
I often need some 'white noise' to sleep.
I like to watch cooking shows.
I'll pick up spare change on the ground. Pennies too.
I've been tempted to take a nap in the afternoon.
I check the weather every morning.
I've used an emoji.
I like bookstores but often leave without books.
My Apple ID still doesn't work.
I've complained about being tired.
I still pay with coins.
I'm at home on my riding mower.
I break up big jobs into smaller ones.
I've never ordered anything on iTunes.
I've complained about prices.
I'm constantly losing track of my reading glasses.
I don't like to exercise. Never have.
I dreamed I was on Project Runway with Heidi Klum.
I apologized for nothing recently.
I'm up early. Can't sleep.
I bought a pair of white sunglasses.
I recently complained about being in a traffic jam.
I like to listen to sports on the radio.
I've caught myself ordering decaf.
I still hang laundry outside.
I get up at night and pee.
I'm procrastinating more.
And I'm finding myself making lots of excuses.
This guy and his wagon, so close, bothered me.
I ain't him, but I might be getting close.
But on the plus side, I don't own a pair of velcro sneakers yet.
I think I might break off the hands on my watch!


  1. He's got a nice wagon, though. :-)

  2. I share many on your list but the one I dislike the most: I'm up early. Can't sleep. The guy had a colourful umbrella!

  3. I have no idea why some people invade my or someone else's space! I find it annoying too. And, I hate to admit it, but I identify with many of your complaints. ;)

  4. That list of always and nevers sounds familiar!

  5. I don't think I would ever want to park myself that close to anyone else on a beach. I was at the beach yesterday, empty when we got there but soon filled up and someone staked their claim on the sand between our chairs and the picnic table where we had left our picnic things and towels so we had to walk right by them every time we wanted anything. Weird.... the things people do. I like my space!

  6. I don't think I would ever want to park myself that close to anyone else on a beach. I was at the beach yesterday, empty when we got there but soon filled up and someone staked their claim on the sand between our chairs and the picnic table where we had left our picnic things and towels so we had to walk right by them every time we wanted anything. Weird.... the things people do. I like my space!

  7. I've never understood why people get so close with so much area. Just like I don't understand why Texan's in particular will not clean up after themselves on the beach. Also, you are getting kind of crusty and crochety. Maybe you need to go back to work. Oh wait, I'm just as crusty and I am working.So, just keep on keeping on.

  8. I know I don't like it when people invade my personal space. I get it when I'm in a library- plenty of chairs empty all around, and yet someone decides to sit right next to me.

  9. I find that even when I park my car far away from everyone, some fool will park beside me!

  10. I am relieved: I see I have company in my behaviors...

  11. I'm going to the beach next week. I'll see if that happens to me.
    As for your list, I'm with you on almost all of it. I am pretty solid with Apple though.

  12. This kind of thing really pisses me off. Like in a big empty parking lot, I find a space way in the back away from every other vehicle and when I come out of the store I find two huge pickups jammed in on either side of my car and the rest of the lot is still empty. What's the matter with these idiots.

    BTW, you are getting old. But not to worry until you take up crocheting!

  13. that would have ticked me off, too! :)

  14. Having spent blissful summers on the Jersey shore, this happened a was rare to find a spot, in fact, except early and late in the day. That's funny, that wagon full of beach stuff.
    What is an Emoji?
    If not liking traffic jams is a sign of old age, then I became old a long time ago!

  15. You are a riot Alice! Many things on your list sound familiar.

  16. I've been known to ask people why they come sit by me when the whole bloody mile long beach is empty. And ending up moving because of course they never saw a problem.

    We have a few things in common... :-)

  17. Well I share 25 points with you on that list Birdman, not the listening to sports in the car :) It drives me craaaaazy when people invade my space, I mean, seriously what's that all about right!

  18. Well I share 25 points with you on that list Birdman, not the listening to sports in the car :) It drives me craaaaazy when people invade my space, I mean, seriously what's that all about right!

  19. The get up early, can't sleep thing seems to be an epidemic.
