Monday, July 13, 2015

"Wicked Pissah"

"Hey, is that your Yamaha SR Viper snowmachine?  Wicked Pissah!"
"Too bad you missed the party, It was Wicked Pissah."
"Love the purple hair. Wicked Pissah."
"Your silver Harley out front? Fast? Wicked Pissah!"
"That a '57 Chevy? Love your custom paint job. It's Pissah!"

Well, you get the idea. Heading Downeast and you want to fit in among us natives seamlessly? You've gotta know the lingo, as Mom used to say. Put 'wicked' in front of thousands of words like good, cold, rainy, smart or old for example, and you can really start to fit in. "Gosh, you're wicked smaarrrt!"
I enjoy learning about dialects featured around the various regions of our country. So, if you ever want to confound the neighbors try using one of Maine's favorite expression. It's maybe my favorite. It just encapsulates it all in 2 just simple words! Place it after anything that you feel is really, unbelievably good. Anything! And don't be afraid to shorten' it up a bit. Maybe, you're in a hurry.
You know.
"Birdman, thanks for sharing this bit of the Downeast dialect with us."

*Got an expression unique to your part of the world?


  1. And I thought Floridians were weird. No further comment. :)

  2. Wicked Pissah---there I said it! You are one wicked blogger. There Mom did I do it right?

  3. What I thought was strange when I moved here is when I began hearing people say "Bueno Bye" when they ended a conversation on the phone with someone. I still find it a little strange.

  4. We are such a melting pot of people that I can't think of one that comes directly from my part of the country but, I do remember when I first moved here from Illinois people were constantly correcting my pronunciation of words like 'wash' not 'warsh'. Every now and then 'warsh' does slip out. Wicked Pissah I had not heard before but, Kate's "Yah, sure" I heard a lot of when I traveled to Minneapolis for work. I heard a "you betcha" a few times too.

  5. That is a new one for me! I'm not sure if we have a unique expression here or not.

  6. Yes, we have a few... No, I can't really share them...

  7. That was interesting to read. Learned something new indeed.

  8. I'm not sure I'll run into Maine neighbours very often but I do use wicked a lot! Call me a Brit if you like.

  9. Uffdah! (As in what an old fart says whilst falling into a deep chair.)

  10. I've always wondered why Northeasters have that peculiarity with the letter r.

  11. How is it that in all these years, I never heard that one? (wicked, yes, pissah, no.) Speaking of Downeast humor, I just read that Tim Sample reads a short story on audio by Stephen King: Drunken Fireworks.

    1. Saw Sample once. Disappointed. Other than Bert and I, I'm a bit bored with Maine humorists. John McDonald sucks too.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. To be perfectly honest, "WICkED PISSAH", is pretty much a guy-thing. Elenka agrees.

  12. Can? or No Can?

    ( '>


  13. I've heard of wicked but not pissah. I am not from Oklahoma and even after over 25 years I can't bring myself to say "Yall."

    I have a cousin who was the wife of an air force officer. In the south somewhere she once asked a bunch of couples at a gathering over for dinner the next night. (You guys all come over tomorrow.) Only the husbands showed up.

  14. Allet jute von Berlin!!! Dit isss ja lustig. :)

  15. Good one, Birdman. I'll have to think about this.

  16. WICKED PISSAH! Yeah! The guy I play golf with most in Naples is from Vermont but worked most of his career in Massachusetts. Whenever one of us hits a good drive, a yell of "Wicked Pissah!" is likely to follow. Unless we use its common variant, "Wicked Awesome!" Last summer in New Hampshire I found a baseball-style hat with the words Wicked Pissah on it and gave it to him.

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