let a faded red canoe linger through a Maine winter
along a pebbled driveway
its tears longing for a summer river,
or remove a classic colonial
from a town square,
board by board,
lug it 90 miles Downeast
and leave but a foundation
and a broken-down
piece of a man garage,
or cut an oak down on the front of your house, til it stood only 20 feet high,
with but 8 forearms shaking violently and cursing the heavens,
or establish a clothesline in front of your house
just five feet from the main drag
and share with the world all your 'unmentionables' and more,
or spend hundreds of dollars to decorate your yard
for the season,
while what looks like the entire contents
of your trailer are strewn across your property
Happy Xmas to all,
or destroy a beautiful downtown park
because you want to survive a Maine winter
in tarp-covered tents
Do the math.
Hey, the world keeps turnin'
Sometimes I want to get off!