Friday, May 25, 2012

Weekend Toil

If you want to reap the spoils in August and September, you have to do the time in spring. So this holiday weekend, the garden will be finished. We've tried putting it in before Memorial Day weekend, but it seems to grow slower. As soon as June hits with lots of sun and warm weather, it catches up fast. So, it's really a wash. The job, itself, is fun and some hard work at the same time. Breaking it up through the long weekend makes it easier. We always seem to say, it'll be a bit smaller this summer, but in the end it always about the same size. It's not really big, but with all the flower gardens around here, it'll keep us on our toes for the next three months. Of course, throw in Mr. Groundhog and his family, and you never know what you'll get. Thank goodness for my havahart trap and plenty of places far away to dump the fat critters. Wish me luck.


  1. I agree. Now is the time to get busy with the garden.

  2. The plot of land looks ready for your hard work...and it is hard, but satisfying work. Take a few breaks.

  3. Those nice tools make me want to dig in.
    The colors of your spud fork would make it hard to lose; much wiser than brown.

  4. Eager to see what you plant. We have a mini garden w/lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, green beans, peas and cucumbers - only a few plants of each, but just right for the 2 of us.

  5. I bet you Mr. Groundhog really appreciates all your hard work.

  6. Great Pic, Good Luck & enjoy!

  7. Good looking soil at least. We are super heavy clay since they took the top soil off for the platt and after a foot of digging you get rock clay requiring a pick to dig.

  8. that is the growing season i'm used to (being my mother's garden helper in wisconsin) - not this confounded feb-apr growth in texas!

  9. I hope you'll post some photos of the fruits of your labour!

  10. I just finished my planting this am but only have to deal with squirrels eating the strawberries!

  11. Yeah, get going! Planting time around Hartford is May 15. I just do decorative flowers. The veggies in the stores and the farmers markets are so good, there is no need for me to try.

  12. Well, then, good luck to you. What's a havahart, a kind of rabbit?

    I grew up in a cramped apartment in Queens. My wife grew up on a 160 acre general farm in Kansas. Neither of us have any interest in gardening, but to each their own.
