Saturday, September 22, 2012

School Days

No, the kids on Monhegan don't lose 2 hours of their life daily, traveling back and forth on a ferry. The Monhegan School fills this bill. Nestled on a hill overlooking the ocean, it's quite an idyllic setting to watch the seasons change. My elementary school years consisted of stints at Allen's Corner School, Perry School and St. Joseph's Grammar School and were for the most part filled with pleasant memories. Falling 'in love' with Miss Lawler my first teacher ever, slamming my finger in Aunt Mimi's car door(that was a bloody mess), learning to read, buying bus tickets and riding school buses, winning classroom spelling bees, playing tackle Red Rover in the snow and first girlfriends were just some of memories that just won't go away. Life was so simple back then, carefree at best. Some mornings when driving to work, I'll glance off toward the distant treeline with the sun edging over the tops and get nostalgic for these times. I can get downright melancholic. I long to turn the truck around, head back home to bed and fain illness. If I could go back and live it all over, would I? 
In a second! 
I bet I'm a bit different here then most.


  1. You were a lucky boy and you are a lucky man, Birdman.

  2. I did enjoy my school days Birdman , but not sure if I'd like to relive them. My first teacher crush was on my high school English teacher, a very 'foppish' (I realize that NOW)poetic type haha!

  3. I actually remember one afternoon when I was two and you were six being dropped off by a school bus, near our house in front of McLaughlin's store. I was sitting with Mom and you were about to cross the street, a pick up truck bumped you. No harm, no foul, but may have jilted a few brain

  4. i love this post, such great memories....what a cute little school house too!

  5. Sigh...What a foundation, those sweet innocent experiences...St. Joseph's Grammar School has me intrigued...I assume it was not just for grammar study...

  6. Me to Birdman, where do I make my U-turn . My wife tells me I live in the past too much. I believe we like to live where we may have been the happiest.

  7. I'm not so sure about the difference ...

  8. Thanks for the memories of a little 2 room country school, 12 miles from town, all 8 grades with 2 teachers in a small Kansas country setting. So many years ago. There are no country schools any more in our state but what memories were made back then, 1935.

  9. You've got my memory bank opened up!

  10. We tend to remember the best from our past. Don't think I would go back to school days, but then I never won a spelling bee. Classic traditional school with a stunningly blue sky.

  11. Would I go back -- no -- did have a good childhood but like this time as well. The school house is lovely. You are quite the ambassador for the Monhegan Island culture. -- barbara

  12. I wouldn't want to do it again at all, but I loved my childhood.

  13. You can't change the past we just have to live with it.

  14. You sure have some great memories, Birdman; no wonder you'd like to go back. . .
