Friday, May 3, 2013

Black Buggy

Some days my friends who I spend my days with remind me that I'm a bit old around the edges. Now, I'll grant them that, but I'm also not a relic of the 19th century American West either, like this black buggy. It's in pretty good shape and looks like it could still ferry the young Laura Ingalls to town. Age is a relative thing. Yes, some days I feel old, but most days no. Spending your days with early teens has that special way of rejuvenating the spirit. Some days I look old, but really the mirror, I feel, has been quite fair with me. Some days I eat old, but I like to think that salads help me keep my boyish good looks. Some days I talk old, but I'll let you in on a secret. I get good laughs that way. Some days I think old, but  an old, dried up curmudgeon, I ain't. I'll let others talk that talk. I'll use my energy spryly and keep that glass half full.
I ain't ready for a cane and rest home yet!
Like the forthysia, I can be explosive and oh so energetic!


  1. Striking photo and best commentary of the week award!

  2. A reminder that this was the way to go anywhere a when I was growing up. And enjoyable too. Lovely photo. I guess those are forsythia bushes behind the carriage? Nice.

  3. ...he said as he whittled.

  4. I love the shot and the post!

  5. "I wish," said the young lad who was Amish, that we had an engine."

    "Pish, pish," said the old man who was his dad, "engines are for the Irish."

    I can't guarantee that this conversation ever took place, but hey, it's possible. Just like you getting around without a cane!

  6. that's a great image. and stay as young as you feel! :)

  7. That forsythia bush has really popped.

    Age? Methinks thou protesteth too much.

  8. Loving your words today. Age - some days it seems too relevant and other days not so much.

  9. Love those yellow buds!

    Hey, you don't need to worry...I have YET to see a gray hair on you!

    Lakeland Checks In!

  10. Love those yellow buds!

    Hey, you don't need to worry...I have YET to see a gray hair on you!

    Lakeland Checks In!

  11. Beautiful shot. And great writes today. Couldn't agree with you more - nothin' like being around kiddos and feeling young. Laughing with them is the best!

  12. Very interesting! And I love this picture!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I am running the same set of rails. Today's crisp blue sky is calling and has me ready to go all 'forthysia' at any moment.

  15. I love this post.
    But how are you today, Birdman?

  16. The contrasting colors in the photo make a striking image. Love the "old" relic as I'm sure your family loves you...not quite an old relic....yet.

  17. We all have good and bad days Birdman, as long as there are always more good than bad oui :) your image today is really marvellous, that combination of colours works beautifully.

  18. Love the black against the yellow against the red. Love that buggy!
