Monday, February 16, 2015

Snow Trail

Seen here is a snowmobile trail just the down the road a bit. I won't be riding this trail this week on a snow machine, but many will. Those that do around here, and there are many, will be in snow heaven. There will be Ski-doos, Polarises and Arctic Cats and other snow machines traveling over the thousands of miles of trails state-wide for the rest of the winter. The dealership closest on Route 25 usually has a sign that reads "Think Snow". I'll subscribe to the our local greenhouse on the same stretch of highway that competes with their sign that reads "Think Spring".
How about you?
*One more time. Friend, Yelena has a new blog. If you have time, please stop by and say Hi. Thanks to all who did yesterday!


  1. l like winter. It's the cold I could live without. :-)

  2. Those snowmobiles have plenty to work with in your neck of the woods. I can't even imagine that amount of snow you've been hammered with.

  3. Still too soon for spring, Birdman. But it would be nice if it would stop snowing so much at one time.

  4. I am thinking spring. We have several inches of snow this morning and it keeps on coming down. Unusual for us.

  5. Looks perfect for some cross country skiing.

  6. my family in wis were big snowmobilers in the day.

  7. Spring must be sounding good right now Birdman.. like autumn is to me :)

  8. I tried snowmobiling once - too cold and too noisy. I'd much rather cross-country ski. Waiting for spring though!

  9. The only thing I know about snowmobiles is that they are quite noisy, and I don't like that...

  10. It sounds like too many people are thinking snow in your neck of the woods these days.

  11. There's quite a network of snowmobile trails here in my province. I haven't been on one of those machines in a long time.

  12. Birdman, I saw a snow map last night that said Portland was bearing the brunt of the latest storm. Poor Birdman and Elenka.

    You want my map? Sorry, it is proprietary. But, I don't mind suggesting that you be sure to visit on Monday when the lovely Valerie will be featured.

  13. Snowmobiling is also a popular passtime in Canada. I never got into it though...

  14. Looks like a spammer made it through, Birdman.
