Saturday, October 3, 2015


*with apologies to Pee Wee Herman.

We were off!
When you know what's ahead, there's no need to panic. We pulled out of our driveway at about 10:30 AM last Wednesday, and our 'big adventure' was on the road. Our first night was all planned. We stayed with Elenka's sister Judith and her husband Anthony in Bloomfield NJ. We've been to their place so many times our car could have driven us there on its own. We spent an enjoyable and restful evening with them at their home. The next morning, we got an early start topping off the tank and grabbing a couple of coffees at Dunkin Donuts. Heck, we were in Garden State Parkway traffic by 8:30! We really made out quite well though. A little on the Parkway and a little on Rt. 78 heading into PA, and that was about it for any heavy traffic the entire way. My corn back home is still pretty green compared with this crop at our first rest stop. By the end of this our second day, we had driven through 11 states: Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, and into Tennessee. It seems like a lot of driving, but we really didn't push ourselves. The second night we spent, just after we had crossed the Tennessee border, in Bristol. We got settled in our room, and then headed just a short drive to get some tacos. The car was loaded with the kids' stuff, so we travelled light, one small suitcase and two backpacks. Oh, yes, I almost forgot. We did have an audio book. It was a big one. John Irving's Until I Find You, all 35 1/2 hours of listening pleasure. We love Irving!
So, that's it.
Life on the road to Texas
Day two in the books.


  1. What?! No stops in the Old Dominion? :-)

  2. Be prepared, you may have to check your books crossing into Texas. :)

  3. Love Lowell's comment. Sounds like you may be in "Texas by now. Are you flying home?

  4. Love Lowell's comment. Sounds like you may be in "Texas by now. Are you flying home?

  5. New adventures are fun and exciting. You can always regret having done something. A worse regret is have NOT done something. I've flown to Texas several times; have never driven to it, though. I will live vicariously through your posts and pics.

  6. You covered a lot of ground but, tacos in Tennessee? I thought you'd go for the bar-b-que there.

  7. I HATE driving, but for some reason, I really enjoyed this trip!!!

  8. With a few crows you would have a perfect van Gogh!

  9. I love Irving too! When we used to drive to Florida we would do 16 hours the first day until south of Atlanta when we would be safe from any snow storms. I would spend my time finding new radio stations - as we moved south the music really changed!

  10. crossing a lot of itty-bitty states to get to one of the biggest. :)

  11. Eleven states in two days! Phew! I don't think you could manage that many out west here but we certainly have the miles and some l-o-o-n-g, lonesome roads.

  12. Sounds like a fun drive. Watch out when your get to I-35 in Texas. The giant pickup trucks are thick and will not give an inch at top speed. Austin is a really special town. You need to enjoy the bar-b-que at the Salt Lick and Bobby Franklin's BBQ.

  13. You really covered some ground!

  14. Alrighty, are practicing learning the language in Texas. I used to work at a place where they answered the phone "Mobah" It was Mobil Oil just in case you were wondering.

  15. Quite a nice drive, it seems. I usually do eight or nine hours on my longer drives. Enough to make progress, but also enough to do a bit of touristing.

    I like Irving, too, but 35 hours is too much for the drive to Florida. I have a book that is maybe 18 hours.

  16. I never take audio material. Have too much fun reading and then just staring out at the roadside views. You have been covering a lot of territory.
