Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pond Rain

I never was a big guy on frogs. I enjoyed the peepers at nearby ponds chirping at twilight, but catching frogs and handling them in my hands was not something I was excited about at all. The best places to see them and catch them were in Evergreen, the nearby cemetery. Creeping silently along the banks, Leo and Eddie were were skilled artisans of the hunt. On every trip to the ponds, they'd come back with one or two BIG ones. Me? All I ever got was the splash, splash, splash sounds of these creatures escaping into deeper waters, and that was fine with me. Now, I never believed the tales of getting warts from these green amphibians. I just disliked the whole idea of having them squirming around in my hands.
I'm still chuckling at that Far Side cartoon of the couple in a restaurant with the large sign "Frog legs our specialty", and out of the kitchen comes a frog on a roller skate. hahaha!


  1. That is pretty funny! My Dad loved fried frog legs and I could never stand to watch him eating them.

  2. The frog thing is dreadful... :) But this picture is really superb!
    God bless you!

  3. Very nice photograph.

  4. When you click on the picture and bring it up big, it looks so good, love the ripples, great shot. We have a restaurant here that does the frogs legs thing and they have a picture on the wall of a whole lot of frogs getting about on crutches, really doesn't make you want to eat them more, not that I would at all, yeeeew!!!

  5. Hate to admit this after the above comments, but I grew up eating frog legs. Is it any different than eating chicken legs? I'm assuming that the pond is where the frogs try to elude the "hunter." It's a pretty scene for such carnage!!

  6. I love this photo today. I think a scene like this is what inspired Monet.

  7. A great pond, love those lily pads.

  8. Pond circles - this photo is extra-special enlarged--such extraordinary beauty and symmetry in nature.

  9. Lovely pond shot with the raindrops. I've never understood how boys can handle frogs -- ick!

  10. We share our unsuccessful hunting trip to the pond. Never got one!

  11. I am not big on reptiles either. They are fascinating but I would rather watch them on TV. I'd rather see Kermit!

  12. Very nice! I was never into frogs either - maybe because there weren’t many around? For me it was snakes. Apparently, from what family tells me, I was a big fan of those and I’d try and catch them in our back yard when I was just a wee one! Yuck!

  13. I remember that Far Side! Maybe because I love frog legs.

    Great photo.

  14. I rather like catching frogs when a kid...we always let them go, though.

    Then a few years ago at our house in Ocala we have a 1/2 pound frog/toad come up the main toilet. Surprise!!!

  15. Great photo. I prefer chicken legs.

  16. Fabulous photo! I love frogs and toads in particular - was always catching them as a kid. Could never eat the poor things!

  17. Send some rain down here Bird. We are parched. Or SOME of the city is parched. Friday half of us stayed almost dry while others had a big downpour. Go figure. Ribbbeetttttt.

  18. Your rain-and-water-lilies shot is pretty good, Birdman.

  19. I would hang that on my wall, very pretty shot. I am crazy about frogs and am always picking them up. I even built a little toad house for them to seek shelter in. I hope to have a pond at my next house so I can hunt for them all the time.

  20. What a pretty picture! I love the raindrops! The Far Side is awesome. lol I admit I could never eat frog legs, but then again I haven't eaten meat in close to 10 years. ;)

  21. looks like a painting to me..
    have seen quite some of such paintings in museums here in the US!

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