Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Shrouded Door

This front doorway, on an outer Washington Avenue home, caught my eye the other morning. The brick house is very much inhabited, but the front door is pretty much off limits. However, Johnny Weissmuller, of the old Tarzan movie fame, would probably love making an entrance through these vines. "Me Tarzan, you Jane..." I'm not really a movie buff, although I did see "King's Speech" and "The Fighter" on consecutive weekends last winter. That was rare. I do enjoy watching TMC and those movie classics. Did anyone catch Jane Greer, Robert Mitchum and an early second film of Kirk Douglas in the film noir "Out of the Past"(1947) last Saturday night? Now, that was entertaining!


  1. I bet you are right about John Weissmuller! :-) Lovely image.

  2. I attended an edible weeds class on Saturday and as I study this image I wonder what of this I could safely consume. Hahaha. Would love to see the entrance the occupants use at this house.

  3. I'm always looking for doors to take pictures, this one is so beautiful with all green around!It's also a romantic place!
    Great shot!

  4. I love this caped doorway, and it made me wonder 'what if you came upon a house that seemed inhabited, but all of its doors were shrouded like this. . .?' hmmmm.

  5. I can just see Tarzan making his way through this greenery!

  6. Oh, my, I guess they don't use that door. ;) It makes for a really neat picture, though! :D The feeling of abandonment in the picture and the color and patters are great...love the white door, with the greenery, and the red bricks.

  7. oops, I had a typo. . . I meant "patterns" not "patters." ;)

  8. Unfortunately, I do not have TV yet. So I can't say anything for those movies. However, I do like your ivy-covered doorway. Looks inviting.

  9. Halcyon thinks this looks inviting? I think it looks neglected. But, then, I have occasionally been accused of being a neat freak.

  10. I liked "The King's Speech" but can't stand the first ten minutes of "The Fighter". May be I'll give it another try, but I also prefer old movies like "Out of the Past", which in Italian is "Le catene della colpa" (literally: The chains of guilt).

  11. Somehow you have connected this ivy-covered door to old movies! Love it!

  12. I feel the Bronte sistes ghosts hanging around that door.

    I liked both those movies a lot, hated seeing them in competition with each other at awards time. I'd watch Amy Adams play a tree stump for two hours. (If you haven't seen Junebug yet, it's a MUST-RENT!).

  13. That's a very poetic door. Was J. Weissmuller poetic?

    I'd go for Jane Austen myself.

    Don't have or want to have TV.

  14. I really like this door, although it is not very useful.

    Re your comment on CVDP, the pizzas don't come in cubes, but they are works of art...: )

  15. it all goes back to nature, doesn't it

  16. That was a fantastic movie still picture.

    We watched King's Speech and The Fighter few weeks back on a Saturday. Since we don't go to movies, watched both the movies at home on the same day. Yes that's all we do on weekends :D
    Cruise Pictures

  17. I haven't seen that much green for quite some time.

  18. We have some of these. They breathe an old-fashioned charm.

    I hardly ever see a movie any more. Photography, my blog and comments take up a whole lot of time.

  19. I hope you're right about it being entertaining. I'll try to find a copy at the video store. :)

  20. Your posts are always so special! I too enjoyed The Fighter and The King's Speech last winter at two of Portland's well-loved neighborhood theaters.
