Sunday, April 28, 2013

Early Sun

What is it about eating outside these days? Granted, when I was growing up, I was the first in line for a picnic in the backyard or egg salad sandwiches at Willard Beach, but come on now. What's the deal? You've got a small restaurant, maybe here on Federal Street, an attractive corner cafe, or a micobrew pub and you MUST have to make outside seating available? I don't understand this. Is it a fad? I walked by one place the other morning, and there were two tables and four chairs. That was it. Can I share just one more peccadillo with you this morning. I really enjoy eating in peace, not stuffed together in an overcrowded room. I'm really an introvert at heart. I enjoy eating and conversing with friends around a table, however; I dislike immensely sharing my intimate thoughts with the world or anyone at the next table. You might find this a bit odd, considering what I do each morning for a 1/2 hour, but it's true. This said, do you really think I'd enjoy eating breakfast and having total strangers pass my table a mere 6 inches away. If they ever commented on my choice off the menu or my eating habits, my repast would be at an end.

Maybe if I wore my 'paperbag' all would be right in the world, and I might consume my delicious Eggs Benedict in peace.
And yes, I do have some peculiar eating habits.
And no, I'm not at liberty to share them with you, at this point in our relationship.


  1. maybe the climate is different here but I hate eating outside - guess I like the shade and outside there are pesky pigeons and flies to watch out for - Ok to eat a sandwich or bag of fish and chips on a bench but if it's a cafe meal I'd rather be inside.

  2. .....but ' I ' can share!

    He dumps all his food into one pile. Doesn't matter if a spent hours melding intricate flavors together to get a particular taste. Oh no, dump the potatoes, peas and sauce on top of it all. I've given up. :-)

    The bag....he does take it off now and then.

  3. correction....'I' spent hours......

  4. I guy I used to work with told me that when he was a kid everybody ate inside the house and "went to the bathroom" outside. Now its the other way around. He wondered if that was such an improvement.

  5. Here they build quite elaborate patios on to restaurants so they are rarely in the line of the sidewalk. However, when I was in New York I had dinner at a restaurant that had one of these sidewalk seating areas. I must admit I couldn't image sitting out there with all those people walking by constantly. I sat at a less coveted table, inside.

  6. I hate it inside even when the tables are 3 inches apart! A bit of privacy please.

  7. i do not like sitting outside at a restaurant if it is right on a busy street. food and drink do not mix well with auto fumes.

  8. Ok yes I agree if I'm having a meal..inside for sure, but if it's a coffee it has to be outside to get a better 'people watching ' view :)

  9. I'm guessing that some folks have experienced the many outdoor cafes in Europe and are trying to provide the same sort of ambiance. It seldom works as well here for reasons I don't quite understand.

    And I'm with you about sitting all jammed up in a restaurant. In fact, if that's the only seating available I shan't patronize the place!

    And I'm sure I don't have your weird eating habits. Hey, word gets around!

    1. You can always people watch and just have a cup of tea or coffee -- barbara

  10. Well, Bird, we take different directions here. I love eating outside. Fresh air is so much better than excessively refridgerated and dark indoors. I move between Connecticut and Florida seasonally so that I can spend as much time as possible outside. There are so many options for al fresco dining in both places that I don't have to put up with tables packed too closely together.

    Piling all your food together? Yuk. Go find that paper bag.

  11. Hm... maybe there will be more tables in few days?

  12. What? You don't like sitting outside and having the wind blow sand and dirt in your food? What's wrong with you?

  13. Love eating outdoors since our weather in MN has such a short period of time to enjoy the outdoors. I to agree about crowded tables; not interested in someone else's comments and life.

  14. Someone walked by your table and is tweeting your eat habits. The hashtag is Shocking.

  15. Doing the same here. Nothing like eating outdoors.

  16. Just this evening, the Mr. and I were at a loss for dinner. Possibility of eating out came up. In the end we just decided to BBQ a filet of salmon. Call me a freaky mother but I just can't trust restaurant foods for my kids anymore. We also agreed that it was cheaper, AND we can talk and enjoy as long as we want at the table, instead of feeling crowded and rushed, and having to yell across the table to have a conversation while our kids color on the 'activity' place mat for kids. When the girls finished their dinner they got to pick a movie of their choice and we got to watch Empire Strikes back - not a bad Saturday night :) I'll pack a picnic to eat outdoors, during a hike or maybe in a park. But not on a busy street no thank you. Haven't had Eggs Benedict in a while...mmmmm :)

  17. For me it's a luxury to eat outside when the weather is warm. My pet peeve is how loud and noisy restaurants are now. It's almost impossible to have a conversation at a normal decibel level. And a music track is usually thrown into the mix on top of the din. Sometimes a terrace table is a refuge from all of this.

  18. I think outdoor is okay for enjoying a conversation and good cappuccino with friends!
    I like a lot the image!Great reflections!

  19. Huh. Made me think about outside eating . . . at home = great; at a restaurant: depends on the space. If it's a wide open deck and balmy weather and you're about to eat a lobster roll, well, fine-o.

  20. Oh, I love sidewalk cafés & wish Portland had wider sidewalks for them...You can hear less of others' conversations outdoors than indoors, is what I think...The thing is, in some countries the tradition is to have conversations in very quiet voices, in US the tradition leans toward what I think...
