Sunday, January 26, 2014

Tree and Shade

Read a pretty good quote from Downton Abbey the other day. Charles Carson, the head butler, is making me think with this quote.

"The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that's all there is." -Carson

This ordinary butler might give Confucius a run for his money. Well, maybe not every day, but remember this: we all get lucky once and awhile and hit it out of the park. 
What's that they say about the blind squirrel?
Heck, even I can find an acorn.


  1. That is a lovely winter scene.

  2. Great minds think alike. I have been ruminating on what he said.

    I guess that I'm losing a lot of my life.

  3. Sad then, that sometimes, people even lose those in the end.

  4. Here it is a blind hen and piece of grain, but I guess the principle is the same.

  5. Beautiful little winter scene today and lots to think about to go with it.

  6. Yes, it is a fine quote -- somehow it sounds vaguely familiar. -- barbara

  7. I'm confused. Butlers, Confucius, getting lucky, hitting it out of the park, blind squirrels and acorns? And memories.

    I wonder who the writer was that gave ol' Carson that line? Seems to me at the end of the line, it all goes, even memories. Maybe he was referring to the penultimate end? You think?

    Really nice picture!

  8. Which means that there's a lot o learn from Downton Abbey!

  9. Downton Abbey is also a source of wisdom!

  10. Ah, but the Buddha says the quality of the memories makes a difference.
