Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bayside Trees

Here are some Bayside trees struggling in our new snow. I used to love snow days in my school years, but if truth be told, once my baseball glove was 'out of the closet' I wanted to get to school, so before school and during recesses I could give it a good workout. Usually, the parking lot at the Casco Bank at the corner was our first ball field of the spring. We didn't use bats or sticks. Believe it or not, in those early games, we used our fists as bats. Not perfect, but hey, it was baseball.  Some afternoon we moved to the front yard of Morrills Elementary School. The 'field' was bigger, and that allowed us to use bats. It even had an outfield fence for homeruns.
Spring was baseball for me.
Hey, I even slept with a ball in my glove, under my pillow.
This technique, along with a little of my Dad's Neatsfoot Oil, made for a nice pocket.
Back then, I believed anything.
In lots of ways, I still do.


  1. Doesn't look like you've arrived at baseball season just yet. Keep sleeping with that glove a while longer. Glove?

  2. Lowell is right; some spring magic is needed.

  3. Poor trees suffering form snow. when will they get rid of it!

  4. ball in glove under pillow. now that's dedication.

  5. I believe too. And I believe the snow will go away and there is grass underneath . MB

  6. What an interesting photo this is! I love the golden glow in the window of one of the places on the left.

  7. Never got to play informal, pick-up baseball, but did play Little League ball. Right with you on ball in pocket with Neatsfoot oil. Sorry about your new snow. It won't last long now.

  8. Never-ending winter! You will have to head to Florida for some baseball.

  9. My sons were believers in the mitt-ball-pocket routine. I think it works from what their mitts looked like. Nice spring post -- barbara

  10. Ah, spring = baseball, mm? You are yearning, I can tell . . .

  11. I still can't get enough of your snow. It's almost summer here though of course we are in for more wintery weather just in time for the weekend.
    I wonder if I could sleep with a rugby ball...

  12. It looks very similar to the conditions we had here yesterday.

    A sign of spring here are chipmunks running about. You never see them in winter, but the last couple of days, I've seen some.

  13. That snow scene is just too much for me.

  14. played on some pretty primtive fields, most were true vacant lots, but we never used our fists for bats. You guys were just a lot tougher than us.

    Proper breaking in of a glove was a much discussed topic.

  15. Never stop believing Birdman! Although it must be pretty hard to believe spring is coming with all that snow :)

  16. I hate to be the one to break it to you, Birdster, but you can leave that baseball glove on the shelf for a few more weeks . . .
