Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Math Time

Outside, it's a math problem.
There are rectangles, circles, triangles and an infinity sign gracing the outside of In'finiti Fermentation & Distillation on Commercial Street. Inside, it's anything but. You'll find a restaurant, a bar, a distillery and a brewery. Just before you step through the doors, you see a stack of wooden barrels each showing its name and logo. That's the only hint that seems to reveal the contents of this building. To me, it's always given me the look of a factory not a restaurant. I was really surprised when I found out it was a restaurant and brewery. I have a good friend who teaches math to middle school kids. She'd be really excited with all the math 'angles' seen on the exterior of the building. She's a great educator. Each time I entered her room, I attempted to solve the math problem that was being discussed. Most times my answers ended with the room in laughter. However, I reminded her students and mine that Freshman year I ended first quarter with a 105 average in Algebra. So I knew what I was talking about. She'd just smile and move on with the lesson.
Math is everywhere.
In school and sometimes when you're out on the town.
Remember: always check your work.
Miss you, Alexis.


  1. "Always check your work" is good advice!

  2. OMG, the Pythagorean Theorem stalks again! :-0

  3. Maths was my favourite subject.. that and French :)

  4. Sometimes I think you're an equation that's never been solved! Ha ha. So did you eat and/or drink at the restaurant, brewery, and distillery? I always checked my work, usually found out it was wrong, then went to sleep. Nice photo, though. I stayed up long enough to look at it.

  5. sweet. i bet you were a fantastic teacher - even to those in others' classrooms. :)

  6. Wow, your math problem photo today really catches my eye. Being on who loves lines and angles and patterns that photo is really speaking to me. You are right, math is everywhere you look and is a very important factor in everyone's daily life.

  7. Al lot of symbols, you may even try to spin one of those stories about numerology...

  8. Perhaps your former colleague would welcome your presence as a math tutor. Loud laughter coming from the background!!

  9. I must say that I always hated math! But I think it's because I never had a good math teacher like your friend ..

  10. I loved math in school and I like beer so this is my kind of place!

  11. I remember a maths teacher very fondly - even though I never ever managed to get anything right...

  12. Admittedly, I was not a math person in school. I took as much as required in high school and then spent the rest of those days in history and English classes.

  13. I escaped math as quickly as I could; I was thoroughly traumatized. It never made sense to me. So imagine my surprise when it has risen as one of my strengths on Lumosity.com. Go figure.

  14. Not my favorite subject. Nice shot.

  15. Measure once, cut twice.

    Maybe that is where I have gone wrong.

  16. Well, your specialty was in another field.

    My son and his wife both teach math in the Chicago Public Schools. She's special ed. He's developing a computer science curriculum for the high school he works in. They will never be laid off.

  17. I'm not a mathematician but I know what I like! Fine composiition.

  18. wow, great style and nice colours.

  19. Did you know there are an infinite number of infinities? For instance, how many even numbers exist? An infinite amount. Now, how many whole numbers exist? Twice as many as the infinite amount of even numbers.It goes on and on (infinitely). If that makes your head hurt stroll, into Infinity in the photo. They distill their own hard stuff. That might help your spinning head...or not.
