Saturday, December 10, 2011

Morning Light

Up early this Saturday, it's just me and Mollycakes. She's been fed, but she's still complaining. Doing her acrobatic thing, jumping from piece of furniture to piece of furniture. Often she'll just sit calmly, on the arm of the chair, as I pound away on this blog. On other mornings like today, she wants out before the morning light. Even when I attempt reason with her and remind that the 'wild things are still out and about, she scoffs and claws the rug and other items that I can't share with Elenka. You know, it's that special bond between feline and owner. Now, I can't speak for dogs(I'm not opening that can of worms today), but as for cats, I'm a staunch believe in this rule-- you venture through life and never experience the companionship of a cat, your life is a wee bit less for having missed out. Are you chuckling right now? Nonbeliever? Take a trip to your local Animal Refuge League this AM and roll the dice. You'll be amazed at what you'll find out about yourself. Gotta go. Lights up, and Molly's at the door. She wants out!


  1. if i lived in such a place i would never scratch the carpet (and other things) to be let out. meow to molly.

  2. Beautiful golden light and I would love a Molly but she would make me sneeze and sneeze and sneeze.

  3. Molly definitely needs a companion to keep her company. Dogs and cats really do like one another...try a canine to keep the feline happy! I applaud owners of rescue animals. Molly just wants to share her joy; my Maggi does the same think; she sometimes appears to be walking on springs!!

  4. Molly has a bud... another feline Sophie.

  5. I love our dogs, but I'm a cat person.

  6. Cats are gods and people who are owned by cats must always do their bidding or face the consequences which are often not pretty.

    I'm glad that you have learned that fact and behave appropriately. I'm sure Molly appreciates your worship and blesses you with her divine blessings on a daily basis.

  7. Oh no Birdman I have to differ, my cat Lily was as companionable as any dog, sat near me when I worked in the garden, followed me around, she was lovely and I'm finding it almost impossible to want to replace her! I bet Mollycakes looks on you as her best friend, she's just so aloof you wouldn't know it haha!

    They call the parrots 28's because apparently their call sounds like they're saying 28, personally I've never really noticed, so I might listen a bit more carefully tomorrow morning to see if I can verify that strange fact!!

  8. I'm a lover of both dogs and cats and they each seem to have their own unique qualities. But, you are so right. If a cat considers you a good friend and companion it's a special kind of relationship.

  9. Great post Birdman. I like cats, but we have Lupe who already owns us and the house.

  10. Pretty light in your photo! And yes, I agree. My cat has to sit on my lap for my morning computer session. Sometimes it's annoying, but it's our hang out together time.

  11. i love all animals, each with their own personalities and quirks. pet ownership (or parenting) is a privilege that gives back 100 fold!

  12. You own the dog and the cat owns you. I own myself (I hope).

    Nest composition of the photo!

  13. Cats! A different breed of animal altogether. Our cats follow us everywhere outside as they are outside cats. But be assured that they do spend time indoors. They follow like dogs and stop to sit and even ask intelligent questions. Yes they do! They always want to know just what exactly is going on.
    Now the dogs on the other hand follow along too but they have other business to sniff out and pick up sticks and sometimes expect to be entertained. Love 'em all. MB

  14. Lovely pic! I had never had a cat until Kitty found me and stayed for 15 years - a perfect companion but in a different way from any dog I have had!

  15. I love both cats and dogs...but perhaps cats a tad bit more. :)

  16. We had a cat or two when the children were at home and kept their cats for extended periods later on. Some of them were nice enough, but not so much as to motivate us to get one of our own for the empty nest. Too many details to mind already.

  17. I lived with cats when I was a kid and through the early years of marriage, but they had a nasty habit of sharpening their claws on the sofas. No more cats.

  18. I have two and what they add to my life is fun that no one should miss.

  19. Now and then I wish that I weren't so allergic to cats. I can't be in a room or home where cats live for more than a couple of hours without wheezing and wheezing. Pills help somewhat, but one cannot take an infinite number of pills. At least I don't want to take that many. I do miss my little dog, Duncan, who died June, 2010. Great post!

  20. I've always wanted a cat! Maybe my next apartment will allow pets.

  21. Wake up, Birdman, wake up. It's Sunday morning and I'm waiting for the next photo.

  22. No I comment on this post, two human cats (ages 2 & 4) just came meowing into the room. Ok, now they're dogs. Before that, you almost convinced me to head over to our animal shelter. Almost. I think I've got plenty for now!

  23. I grew up with a very special cat as companion and remember those days fondly, especially since my childhood was terribly distressful. Wonderful photo with warm sentiments.

  24. You really captured the light in this image, well done!
    God bless you!
