Tuesday, January 15, 2013

In Progress

She paints.
Upper Congress Street near the top of the Hill can be quite picturesque in winter. A couple of winters ago, we took a walk in a light snow one Saturday morning. I remember the morning, because I took a photograph of a bike stranded in a snowbank nearby. As a matter of fact, we took lots of pictures of a recent snowfall. Here is a little insight into what Elenka is working on at the moment. I enjoy watching her progress through a painting. These days, her French easel is set up in the kitchen near the woodstove and her computer usually has some recent movie, a favorite soap opera or Downton Abbey playing as she paints. You see, it's true, I'm not the only entertainment in her life.


  1. I never saw such a scene on Munjoy Hill until this photo! I'll bet Elenka's version is stunning, as I've seen her paintings at her site.

    1. Well, I just realized this IS Elenka's watercolor, so it IS Stunning! Mr. B & Elenka: I'll be at Evening for Educators Saturday morning. Perhaps I'll see you there?

  2. This picture is wonderful, the red detail is spectacular!

  3. Lovely, watercolors (realistic ones) are my fav! Actually, I'm a watercolorist too...

  4. how extraordinary to witness the electrical impulses of thought coming into physical existence!

  5. I ABSOLUTELY love theway Elenka paints! I'd like to enough to have one of her beautiful snow paintings on my wall..
    No wonder, Downton Abbey is so inspirational!

  6. Nice shot. I hate cold weather, but I love snow. Does that make me a weird and twisted individual?

  7. You have a very talented wife -- she needs a blog for her paintings. -- barbara

  8. I had to enlarge it to realize it was actually Elenka's watercolor and not your photograph! It is beautiful.

  9. Beautiful, Elenka! I do love crisp, clear watercolors.


  10. This is absolutely gorgeous, Birdman. She is a talented painter.

  11. You fooled me. At first I thought this was one of your photos in the middle of an unusual editing process.

  12. Where is Elenka's website; I'd like to see it. Is it a secret?!

  13. Beeeuteeful - and I also love the image of her easel set up in the kitchen near the wood stove. Purrfect.

  14. Gosh even unfinished this is a beautiful painting, wonderful work Elenka.
