Tuesday, January 22, 2013


"Good weatherman. Nice weatherman. There, there, let me pat you on the head. You've done it again, but we'll forgive you... AGAIN"
Well, our 4-6 inches of snow predicted for this morning  is nowhere in sight. Last evening as I headed out to the Jetport to pick up Elenka, I saw about 47 flakes straggling down. That was about it, I guess. It was on the radar last night, so at least I know those that make these prognostications are not completely crazy. This morning on my iPhone: nothing, nada, zilch, scratch, zero! We get a lot of different weather up here, and it can change quickly. What do they say about it? "Don't like the weather in Maine? Wait a minute." I guess it's true, so I'll cut them some slack this morning. We're going to be getting an Arctic freeze this week. Coldest temperatures so far, and MORE 'snow' is headed our way at the end of the week. Maybe being a snowbird and heading to warmer climes these frigid months is something to think about a little further.


  1. Yeah....no....except I was in Florida for 5 days and it was not warm.
    What's up with that?

  2. we have that arctic freeze going on right now. was almost 60 yesterday and today is in the 20's and windy. not a fan!

  3. We are now in the middle of an Arctic Freeze and it isn't much fun! Thank goodness we are going to turn into snowbirds in another week! Our house is a lot nicer than the one you chose to represent snow birds, even tho I like your connection for today!!

  4. Yeah, that photo does make a point.
    But Birdman as a future snowbird--impossible to imagine.

  5. we got less than an inch here but it was lovely while it was falling. welcome home, E.

  6. The Weather eNwork here in Ontario seems to get the temperatures right...but snow, sun, clouds are another story.

  7. oh gosh...it's freezing cold there!
    Stay warm!

  8. Hmmm....some days your photo of a snowbird would be much more desirable than the snowbirds which have invaded my area with a vengence this year.

  9. Being a snowbird isn't a bad, I did when I was only 24 and never looked back. I guess that doesn't make me snowbird anymore.

  10. Hard to imagine that hundreds of thousands of people do not have to put on their woolies and jackets and hats and gloves and boots to go out today, mm?

  11. i always liked snow better than bitter cold. hope you get some snow to warm things up!

  12. Look at this! Well, actually, there's a snow storm on the highlands in northern Portugal at the moment. Even schools are closed!

  13. We get the snowbirds from Canada here. They park their RV's at slab city in the desert for months at a time. Doesn't seem particularly appealing to me.

  14. I have counted approximately the same number of snowflakes here this winter. Maybe less...
    But there is still some of the winter ahead...

  15. We were to have no snow today and we have been having snow come down all day!

  16. I feel like getting a little space heater for that bird house.

  17. Perfect photo accompaniment to your text. Despite the subzero weather here (which is obviously headed your direction), I could never be a snowbird. I am grateful for winter.

  18. Being a snowbird isn't all it is cracked up to be, Mr. Birdperson. For example, last week I had to wear long pants one day to play golf and I wore a light sweater in the evening. Can you imagine?

  19. Gee, in Missouri they say we have to wait an hour. You guys got the better deal.

    TV and radio weather reports lie to generate hysteria to increase viewers/listeners to generate more advertising revenue.

  20. I had to chuckle at this. Having lived my entire life in Texas and Arizona, I have a totally different concept of snowbirds.
