Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Branched Tree

We learn from trees.
Even the oldest of trees can bud new branches. Forty years ago, I was officially hired at my place of work and have been there ever since. Never wavered? I truly can't say that, but in the big pictured of things,  I've loved my 'long distance run'. Heck, these days 20 years can be a long run. I've been asked lately, by many, how I did it, and my refrain has been the same. Find what you love, welcome the sun each day, immerse yourself in learning, fear no change, and always welcome new branches. Any strong, growing tree has all these attributes and lives its life with vigor. Now, let's see. Forty more? Are you kidding me? 
This horsie  is getting ready for the pasture!


  1. oh come on, you can crank out 40 more ;)

    it must be "tree wednesday" i did a post about a tree too!

  2. The important thing is to keep learning with life!
    the real age is inside our heart,

  3. I don't know how people survive without that attitude. Bravo to you! And, congratulations on your pending stroll to the pasture.

  4. My industry has lots of up and downs. I've been at my present employer for 13 years with no changes in ownership. My last job, I was with the same assets for 19 years and we had seven different owners. We always called the latest purchasers "The new bunch of geniuses."

    I think one spends a lot of time at work so you might as well put some purpose into it.

  5. Bet your 'workplace' is lucky to have you.

  6. you definitely know about roots.

  7. congratulations to you for both a long run and for a new future ahead.

  8. Well said! Congratulations, Mr. Birdman! Lucky guy!

  9. Excellent advice! I might keep those words by my desk to remind me of why I chose my career.

  10. Could you say that you don't like change? And you are happy about it!

  11. This is pretty impressive, Birdman. Congratulations. Attitude counts for a lot.

  12. This is some excellent advice. Kudos to you for sticking with it through the years.

  13. As Emily said in Our Town: Oh, Earth, you are too wonderful to realize. Trees and those of us who love life understand or intuit the joy of being fully alive and branching out in all directions.

  14. Wow! Horsie, pasture? Sounds like you'll be heading to the Horse Capital of the World. Especially after this "historic" storm hits up your way...batten down the hatches!

  15. Uh, well, all things must pass. But think of yourself as an ancient redwood rather than an ornamental hedge.

  16. Beautiful looking tree. The pasture sounds good this week.
