Friday, January 20, 2012

Screened Window

I have a friend who likes to 'do' windows. Let me clarify that a bit. He's an artist and enjoys painting from my photographs, especially when my subjects are windows. He likes painting all types of windows, wherever he finds them. With this subject, he mostly works in watercolor. He'll probably want to do this one when he sees it. Myself, I like this one, because it's a little dark and mysterious. Bright, upbeat or dark and mysterious, I like both subjects. Some days when I have some free time, I enjoy scanning lots of the citydailyphotoblogs pages that I never visit on a daily basis. Some really catch my eye, and I'll go for a short 'visit' to see what they are up to with their camera. Others seem pretty crappy. Now, is that a professional photographic term? Some times, I think these people should have their cameras taken away, never to be returned. Oh well, it's the weekend. I'm going to be nice.


  1. I like this window of yours also.
    besides the "mystery" it is hiding, I also like that pile of snow outside.

  2. I'm not a painter and I'd love to "do this window". Not working at St. Mike's, just walking past it.

  3. That's a beautiful window, I love the old school bricks and the arch.

    You seem kind of crabby about crappy pics today!

  4. Hey Birdman

    Window evokes much thought! You can tell the brickwork is old!

    I take the same city daily photo tour. Many names and cities are new. I don't recognize them.

    I hope my blog falls in the former category and not the latter.

  5. Because there are so many bloggers on CDP, it's impossible to see them all. I, too, like to surf blogs I don't ordinarily visit; some are really quite professional and others are not. The posts are nice "windows" into the different lifestyles of the blogger. It's also fun to see how some photographers grow as they post their photos.

  6. Windows are fun to photograph I have a whole photo set at flickr. I like how you shot this one.

  7. This is a perfect mysterious window. I'd be wanting to photograph this on too!

  8. This is one great shot! The painting is going to be beautiful.

  9. Windows are the soul of the house. Someone said that. I think your windows always catch that.

  10. I understand your friend very well, and this is a classic example of why windows are popular subjects.

  11. This reminds me of an old warehouse filled with broken boxes and assorted junk.

    Ah...when were you going to be nice? ;-)

  12. I bet there is all kinds of cool stuff behind this window!

  13. A stream of consciousness today, eh? Forgot to go back and edit it? I like the window.

  14. Nice window! Your right, it would fit in nice with my other windows.

  15. That really would make a beautiful painting. Nice shot.

  16. You've got the frosty windows very nicely here.

  17. Will we ever see your friend's paintings?
