Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pond Dam

Time to reflect---
This is the dam at Clark's Pond caught in a peaceful moment the other day. Running, trickling water has been known to have a calming effect on certain people. Some people actually add artificial fountains to their backyard gardens. I guess the constant gurgling sound is suppose to add some sort of relaxing effect to their lives. Constant moving water does nothing for me, except to remind of the time we were on vacation in Florida and an April storm flooded our cellar, floated our oil and kerosene tanks, destroyed our furnace and ended up costing us big bucks. Water runs its course. It does whatever it wants. It did that day. That evil spring storm is in our rearview mirror now, but that memory of constant running water provides no real zen moment for us. That day was no high water mark for us. It gave us no comfort at all, but we learned about the power of water that day.


  1. I can feel sympathize with you on the flooded basement. My folks home in Maine suffered the same fate after quickly melting snow and a heavy rain turned their basement into an indoor pool.

  2. Yeah, ya didn't mention that insurance decided, after a week and a half, that they didn't want to cover the damage!! Why? WHY? you ask. They deemed it to be a 'flood' and we apparently didn't have flood insurance.

    Do we qualify for flood insurance?? Heck, no. We're not in a flood zone.

    Another reason to drink. Find a new cocktail to try this weekend, Birdman.

  3. we've also had some pretty devastating flood experiences and yet we have a little fountain in our backyard where the birds gather and splash and we love it...and i love gazing upon large bodies of water even though i get seasick in a boat. what do you have to say about that, oh wise birdman?

  4. Yes, water does have some real power.

  5. I like to listen to water....I always make fun of indoor fountains, but actually I might consider having one. Very pretty photo, with the reflection.

  6. i suppose that might 'dampen' my enthusiasm for it, too. ;)

  7. Having grown up in a city on the Mississippi River, I've seen the power of water more times than most people. I always wondered how those farmers who lived in the low lands right on the river put up with the annual flooding year after year. My dad told my that the soil is so rich in that location, it makes the flooding worth riding out. I can't imagine.

  8. Boy do I know the power of water! Took an event similar to yours to realize it. My Zen moment with water is to respect its power and give it lots of space. Your photo's composition and clarity is great! -barbara

  9. In Florida, we have a pool with a spa emptying into it. The constant gurgling is very calming. Even thought the pool is used embarrassingly infrequently, I think of the pool as an expensive white noise machine.

  10. I always liked the sound of rain on the roof as a kid, but now as the owner of a very old building with a flat roof I cringe when I hear a downpour - you just never know where the water may try coming in!

  11. One man's zen moment is another man's...
    I've known the flooded basement scenario...still, for me it is the sound of ocean waves make that soothe...

  12. Heck, it just makes me wanna pee.

  13. Love the image and your text is intriguing. Reminds me of lunch today out today. The salmon I got looked delicious to me -- but to my boyfriend it looked like a lethal weapon considering he once almost choked to death on a fish bone (!)

  14. What a lovely and serene image!

  15. One of the neighbours keeps fish. It sounds like Niagara falls.

  16. I remember young living in a small village house with zink roof ! whenever it rains, really annoying !
    22 ... in Chinese sound like "EASY" (易),
    as 8 = "Prosperity", some chinese like 28 = Easy Prosperity !
    22 would imply "two of something" and therefore the word liăng (两).

  17. My moment with water was my one and only trout fishing experience--age 19, with a buddy, waders, northern Michigan river, a postcard. It wasn't scary like your event, but I still think about it sometimes when water's power is the topic.

  18. Hmmm. I guess not every learning experience is a positive one.

  19. Beautifully composed and shot!!

    Have a similar experience of water destroying our home on 26jul 2005.

  20. Trickling water only reminds me I might need the Loo. We have a pond with a small waterfall---summertime no waterfall. A creek fills the pond and the waterfall is usually full in the winter but it is almost noise-less and we cannot hear it up at the house. MB

  21. But also think of the concept of the river in Siddhartha. We're headed to the west coast of the Olympic Peninsula this weekend, which is a rain forest to begin with. There's a big storm moving in. Could be some high water pix on the way.

  22. Looks harmless but it ain't so. Dear DH forgot to turn off the faucet after washing out some bird cages one night; the next morning was not the beginning of a happy day. We still have to replace the carpeting.

  23. It is a pretty picture but your words are troubling. And Elenka's insurance explanation, even more so!

  24. Water certainly is a powerful force. ANyone who's been to a waterfall like Niagara can attest to that!
    Your capture of this pond is beautiful. What I really like are the reflections. I find them more calming than running water.

  25. Such a sharp shot! It deserves being enlarged. Beautiful!

  26. your blog is hilarious sir..........thanks for such a nice post........happy blogging sir...
