Monday, August 23, 2010


Power to the people! 312 Congress Street plots its power here, on the side of the brick building. Central Maine Power Company provides electrical power for the Southern Maine area. Love 'em or hate 'em! They're the only game in town, for public power that is. The company is the Goliath around these parts, and I must say most people have few good words to say about it. As Dad told me, standing next to the back wall on Stevens, "Kid, it's as simple as this. The the faster that dial there spins and those numbers keep flipin', the more money CMP is taking from our pockets."


  1. Nice symmetry. Sarasota is in the midst of negotiations with FL Power & Light for a new franchise. It's very interesting to say the least. Many residents want the city to start its own utility, which, of course, sounds nice but would be no easy feat.

  2. I'm always shocked when I get an electric bill.

  3. Our power company just switched to automatic readers, and now our power bills are higher.

  4. I like a lot this picture, the forms, the lines and the symmetry!:)
    Our place is full of lights, glasses and windows, and I think it helps a lot to safe energy, I mean to safe money as well! :)

  5. The photo is unusual because of its symmetrical appeal.

  6. Who would have though electric meters could make for such an interesting and arty picture. Evidently, you did!
    ☼ Sunny

  7. I'm not sticking my fingers anywhere near this. People with pacemakers should be warned.

    BTW, the field to leave a comment didn't appear yesterday and today with Firefox. Same for other bloggers who use the same comment format. It's working with Chrome. Odd. I did like your picture yesterday, particularly the contrast between the Moody Blues shirt and the iPhone.

  8. Ha! Your dad had it right. I like that you found artistry in something most would walk right by.

  9. 'Power to the people!' - LOL! Very cool find, love this shot.

  10. A very creative shot almost out of nothing and an even better title! My compliments!

  11. Lovely meters. I will take the opposite side of that argument. People pay hundreds willingly to their cable TV company and cell phone companies for a limited service. But, to keep their lights on, power their appliances, cool or heat, 24/7, they pay an amount that is often lower than those discretionary payments.

  12. I like the symmetry as well. It seems oddly beautiful.

  13. Great pattern! And wow that's a lot of those things!

  14. If we could watch the meters from inside our homes, we would probably start turning off appliances to watch the dials s l o w d o w n!

  15. I think every here captures my thoughts on this one. Bravo!
