Saturday, June 21, 2014


Summer 2014 commences today in two minutes at 6:51 AM. It's also the longest day of the year. Throughout my reign as an educator working with that crowd of 12-14 year olds, I always  liked to pass on a few of Mark's 'words of wisdom'. I even had a few for the staff uttered forth to those who wanted to listen and not turn away, that is. 
One was that the day after school got out, this year that would have been yesterday the 20th, was really the longest day of the year. The framework was simple for the day. It was your day. Kickback. Try to do absolutely nothing other than what you really wanted to do. Sleep late. Enjoy that extra cup of coffee. Take in the sun. Tip a beverage or two. Be with friends or self. Smell the roses.
I tried hard to follow my own rules every year.
Every day is MY day!
Take pleasure in my flowering, yellow coreopsis this morning.


  1. Well....maybe not 'every' day.

  2. This is a delightful, cheery photo for summer solstice!!

  3. Hahaha, you & Elenka crack me up...I loved those summer vacations when growing up & when teaching...Enjoy the summer freedom (& autumn, winter & spring freedom too!!)

  4. Beautiful flowers....enjoy your day!

  5. Pleasure taken Birdman :)
    p.s. shortest day of the year for we here in the land of Oz.. in fact it's over already :)

  6. Coreopsis - another of my plants that bit the dust during the winter that wouldn't end!

  7. Gorgeous flowers, Mark. I would not have been able to identify them myself.

  8. Haha (Elenka's comment) -- but congrats and wow! for the days that ARE your days . . . Yes!

  9. I savored this longest day in many of the ways you suggested...looking forward to when all my days can be that way.

  10. I think you're beginning to bloom. You may have heard that I've been called the flower of my family. Well, actually, what "they" said was that I was a blooming' idiot!

  11. Oh, yes, Birdman! The days are very, very sweet. Enjoy!

  12. I hope your day was everything you wanted it to be.

  13. Slainte! Here's tae ye.

  14. Kick back,you have earned it. The coreopsis is one of my favorite flowers. They seem pretty danged tough.

  15. Your philosophy is absolutely great!

  16. Life is now one Saturday after another!
