Thursday, September 1, 2011

Theme Day: Perspective

"I went to a restaurant that advertised breakfast anytime, so I ordered French Toast in the Renaissance." -Steven Wright

Today, September 1, 2011, is Theme Day across the CDPB (citydailyphotoblog) community.
Now, I'm just sayin'...
I'm sitting here at Willard Beach and just taking in the SIGHTS and sounds of a late summer afternoon. I'm kicking back to the Kinks on my iPod. Perspective? It's really in the EYE of the beholder. What might be INTERESTING to one, might(?) bore another. Everything, in life, depends on your reference point. If you never look up, you might not ever realize that you are nowhere near the mountain top. Here's what amazing me. This blonde sitting in her chair, enraptured by her trashy summer novel is but 10 feet away from me here in the sunshine. So close, I can almost peer into her dreams, but yet, she's a million miles away from my world. I'll never hear her voice, never know her name, never come close to ever, ever seeing her again. It's like I'm amazed glancing out a bus window while traveling through Times Square and seeing the endless streams of faces, all in their own orbits, all within their own lives, with their own families and their millions of unique stories. Simple moments sometimes stop me in my tracks! So where ever you find yourself today... enjoy the VIEW!


  1. You're darn right you are never going to see her again.


  2. With a photo and brief essay, I have been with you in deep thought... until I got to your last sentence which made me smile.

    Elenka's comment made me laugh out loud!


  3. Wonderful post Birdman. I am glad you enjoyed your view. ;)

  4. love the summer colors in this and thanks for the laugh, that steven wright is hilarious! enjoyed your post as well of course!

  5. Absolutely loved this post Birdman, but have to say Elenka stole the show with a 'one liner', that was an excellent comeback on her part!!Hilarious.

  6. Oh, Elenka...let him dream on! Thoughtful essay, though!!

  7. Interesting thoughts Birdman. Many, many times I think about the millions of people all over the world going about their own chores or having fun with friends. When I'm eating breakfast, people in Europe are having a late lunch or preparing for dinner. When i arrive at work, people in Australia are tucking in their children for bedtime. I have a couple of web cams that I visit every now and then to see what is going on in New York or London. All those people I see so far away and in their own orbit don't even know I'm seeing them and while I see them for and instant, I won't ever see them again. I agree, it's important to look around you.
    Loved Elenka's comment. It made me laugh.

  8. nicely said. (and i SO love steven wright!)

  9. Way I see it a trip to the beach might be in order. Sorry that gal got in the way when you were trying to photograph that house overlooking the beach.

  10. You are such a philosopher, Birdman. This is a very nice photographic interpretation of "perspective." I have had to enlarge it and study the image very carefully to appreciate it in its entirety.

  11. From my perspective sitting on a beach listening to the Kinks would make for a perfect summer day!
    Good one Elenka!

  12. I laughed at you 'peering into her dreams'.... ha ha ha ... Love it!!!!! You BE BAD!!!!! Now--get back to earth and realize that there's work to be done around the house... Your VIEW will change in a red-hot-second!!!!! ha ha

  13. Birdman -- So many stories -- that is what makes life interesting -- barbara

  14. Elenka's post made me laugh out loud!!!
    But I love the thoughts about the orbits/Time Square . . .it's what makes me write: I want to know what those people are thinking. I want to peek inside the orbit.

  15. Ah, good post. But if you must know, she's reading Milan Kundera.

  16. i like what you wrote!
    i needed to hear that, especially today.... :)
    hope you dont mind i now also know which picture i will pot today.

  17. Birdman I didn't expect anything...

  18. My view was the four wall of my cubicle not quite interesting but you make the best of it. Love this post.

  19. Lovely picture, I already miss the sea...

  20. You stir up some interesting thoughts. I am most aware of the transient nature of our interaction with people in a crowd when I am in a large city. I may be even more aware of this because I was raised in the same small town where my parents grew up.

    Everybody knew everybody, or so it seemed. I grew up with the understanding that the people around me were not anonymous faces in the crowd, they probably knew me or more importantly, knew my mother.

  21. Birdman, your "just saying" is right on the mark. (I'll only take you to task for assuming the blonde is reading trash... LOL!) Just before reading your post I was saying to my honey that it's nigh impossible to visit other blogs written by people of such diverse backgrounds, in diverse places, and not come away with a feeling of the basic goodness of humans, a basic connectedness. In other words, it's hard to remain cynical. It sure beats reading/watching the news.
