Saturday, October 5, 2013

Two Boats

I get the chills late at night walking along the ocean's edge. Looking out to sea and spying only the foaming turberlance at my feet, sets the goose bumps running along my arm. Cruising in the Caribbean, my late night visits to our balcony are few and far between. The smells, the darkness, the depths all come together for a goulash of an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach. During the day out on the balcony, life is grand. Sitting with Elenka, a good book, a glass of wine, and it almost can't get any better. Ten hours later, in almost total blackness, it's just plain creepy. I'm uncomfortable. I won't stay long.
Terra firma is a place I love in darkness.


  1. I get that same creepy feeling walking across bridges, day or night.

  2. I agree, Birdman!
    I just saw a woman dressed totally in brown and thought of you.

  3. I would say that we feel the same way about oceans in the dark of night. Of course, as I've discovered, oceans in the midst of a storm in the middle of a day can strike the same kind of heart-felt terror! That's when I want to be in the mountains!

  4. Spending the night on a boat in a relatively calm sea can be magical. No need to fear the ocean, it's just bad weather to avoid.

  5. Well, Birdperson, it seems that you have ample company among those who are fearful about nights shipboard.

    How 'bout those Sox?

  6. I am not a fan of the ocean but I like your photo.

  7. Luna would suggest you just take a nap instead of hanging out in the dark...
    God bless you!

  8. I tend to be a landlubber myself. :)

  9. I hear you Birdman....but I like my feet on terra firma in the daylight also :)

  10. Nice bblog thanks for posting
