Saturday, April 12, 2014

Beach Grass

I went to the beach last week. It was sunny, but a brisk breeze was coming off the water. It always does this time of year. I walked towards the water along a small wooden pathway. I was looking left and right for the sights and sounds of nesting birds. Piping plovers nest here from the middle of April on. I saw none. I heard none. Too early, I guess. I'm not a birder, so don't get me going on that activity. Ok, you twisted my arm... Now, counting different birds at certain times of the year? No problem. Makes sense to me, even though it seems a lot like the herding of cats to me. But manning high-powered binoculars and scanning bushes and the skies and just looking to identify birds and talking about their migration patterns seems kind of boring to me.
Maybe I'm missing something.
It won't be the first time.
You go you plovers!


  1. I'm with you on that one, I do love to photograph them but, just looking and talking about them doesn't appeal.

  2. :) i love birds, but i don't consider myself a birder since i don't travel to see them, count them, etc. i have listed those species i've been able to see here at home, though.

  3. And just exactly what might those plovers be piping?

  4. i don't really know enough about birds to know who's chirping or what kind they are...i can identify a sea gull, crow and cardinal though ;)

  5. Hey, BM. Shoot me an email at

  6. I don't understand birding at all. If you're going to look at birds through binoculars, why not take a picture of them with a zoom lens?

  7. I'm happy to come upon them but don't go out looking for them. No bird paparazzi here!

  8. Lowell makes me smile. I'm a bit like him. Sorry 'bout that. Nice early spring view.

  9. I'll take a pic of a bird if the opportunity presents itself, but I'm not a birder either. A good spring view...given the winter we had, it might be a week or two before nesting gets seriously underway.

  10. I enjoy seeing and hearing birds, and I like taking photos of them when a good opportunity presents itself. But, I am not a real birder, although some very serious birders -- here in blogland and in the real world -- are wonderful people and I respect their passion for the hobby.

  11. I sure love when birds come to me, but I would not go out stalking or tracking or counting them.

  12. Nice shot. Bet there is some interesting wildlife around there.
