Saturday, November 10, 2012


Each fall it seemed the nuns would herd us upstairs in the school hall and show us the movie "The Song of Bernadette". In her lifetime Bernadette Soubirous reportedly saw 18 visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The first time was near a grotto close to her home. In 1933 she was canonized by Pope Pius XI and was ushered into sainthood. Her body has been exhumed three times since her death, surrounding her qualifications for becoming a saint. Here's an amazing element to all of this. Supposedly, her body has not decomposed after 143 years. However, there are those that believe she had a little 'face work' via a wax-like mask at the last exhumation in 1925. Thousands make the pilgrimage each year to Lourdes, France and pray to her at the grotto. My photo today is the grotto on the grounds of the Franciscan Monastery in Kennebunkport. Each time I visit, I'm jolted back to that movie and Bernadette's story. The movie is long at over 150 minutes and received 4 Oscar nominations in 1943. Every once in awhile, I'll come across it on TCM and watch it for a few minutes. It's somewhat unsettling though, I keep having to peer over my shoulder to see if Sister Admirabilis is lurking.


  1. Oh, she's lurking alright. Just remember that! :-p

  2. The only thing I'd better say is that you took a nice photograph! :-)

  3. you made me laugh. i was raised catholic and i had 4 aunts that were nuns. we'd visit a grotto in wisconsin every few years, too. :)

  4. Great story and interesting photo! My Catholic indoctrination all went in one ear and out the other.

  5. I remember that movie and learning the story. Beautiful photograph!

  6. A fine story you tell here, with a surprise ending.

  7. Nuns were the same everywhere in those days. They showed us the same movie here!

  8. Eerie but beautiful scene - and I hear the pat, pat, of Sister A's shoes coming along the walk . . .

  9. That is one perfect nun name. We had Sister Mary Tarsisius, who looked like she could have played linebacker for the Giants and had a personality to match. Then I went to high school with the Jesuits, as did you, and things got more complex.

  10. Every Catholic friend who attended parochial school remembers the nuns with an odd mix of love, admiration and terror.

  11. The thought nuns make my knuckles hurt.

  12. too funny & strange...My church growing up was Saint as a kid I kept wishing for a vision of Mary...but she never came to my humble bedroom...I do like the grounds of the Franciscan Monastery...some nice walking trails there & a good spirit...

  13. Too many nuns have gotten a bad rap. I had wonderful experiences with them, even tho a few favorites had some unusual names, Attila, the nun for one. We were a lovely bunch of students!!
