Thursday, November 1, 2012

Theme Day: Water's Edge

Today, November 1, 2012, is Theme Day across the CDP community
(citydailyphotoblog). The theme this month is along the 'water's edge'. Last weekend, we ventured down the coast to Ogunquit, and along the way we stopped at York Beach. I had planned to write a piece about how depressing closed cottages are along a run of sea, but after Sandy's wrath upon the boardwalks of the New Jersey  Shore and NYC, my words would ring hollow and foolish. So to all the communities along the 'water's edge' effected so tragically this week, return  soon, stronger and more resilient. We wait.


  1. timely

    Aloha from Waikiki, my Friend
    Comfort Spiral

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  2. I like both houses,esp. the red. You're right about the aftermath of Sandy. I always envied folks living along a beach or sea. Not anymore; there's a price to pay. We got out of Cuba just in time, too.

  3. Birdman -- I join with your sentiments -- barbara

  4. Beautiful homes on a beautiful site. I'm so glad they were not washed out to sea or destroyed. The sea is a mighty force and takes no prisoners! The sadness along our eastern seaboard is palpable!

  5. The blog needs a like button. Well said.

  6. a nice image and an even better sentiment. :)

  7. Beautifully said! There are quite a few linemen and equipment trucks from Phoenix on their way to lend a hand.

  8. When I first saw the image, I didn't like it: electrical wires, two houses side-by-side (instead of something more interesting). Yet, as I looked at it more, I decided I not only like it, I really like it. The colors, the texture of the wall and the sides of the houses and the vantage point of looking up all work together somehow. Nice eye!

  9. Just caught up with your recent posts...outstanding shots as usual.

  10. A nice -- and completely appropriate -- change of direction.

  11. I think there's been a lot of "water's edge" photos taken this week in New England but not the kind we enjoy seeing.
