After all the shoveling, it's time for a sale, sale, sale! This looks to be a second hand store... excuse me a 'previously owed store'. I don't even know the name of this establishment. Corey and Co.? On this cold morning, the interior did not look toasty warm. Sometimes, storefront windows can make a place look so inviting. I want to head in and just poke around. Then again the opposite is true. If they look boring... Keep walking! I have many favorite places in the city to want a
browse, even if I know I'm not going to be buying anything. If I'm traveling with
Elenka, the rolling of the eyes is in fashion, as I drag her into such places. Deep inside, I do believe, sometimes, she'd rather be shoveling! By the way, more snow on the way around here for tomorrow. Old Man Winter just won't give up!
With any luck you might be spared another load of snow? At least spring cannot be too far away?
ReplyDeleteBon weekend,
WHAT? I'd rather be shoveling? Instead of shopping? Me??
ReplyDeleteWho are you??
I can't remember rolling my eyes going into any store.
Unless it's to do with Sports. Then I roll my eyes, stick out my tongue and start crying.
Can't wait for the Super Bowl.....grown men running 90 miles an hour for two feet (if that much), knocking each other down and then standing around for what seems like FOREVER til they start up again. In the freezing cold. Good God.
Yes - This storefront really needs some help. Maybe it's a going out of business sale due to a lack of foot traffic? I hope you've already hunted and gathered your supplies for the weekend.
ReplyDeleteWhere is this shop, Birdman? E., I'm with you. If you want to come to Brattleboro, some of the shops have great sales during the Super Bowl for those of us who aren't watching.
ReplyDeleteWe got an ice storm last night. The plus side is I get to work from home today!
ReplyDeleteNot sure the window of this shop would pull me in. It's hard to tell what they sell... but I like the composition with all the different elements.
Looks like the snow has finally stopped and some good sunny day and spring time will soon come !
ReplyDeleteWhat Elenka said. . .
ReplyDeleteDitto what Elenka said...it has me laughing out loud.
ReplyDeleteThis looks to be a second hand store... excuse me a 'previously owed store'
ReplyDeleteI saw a store like this once called: "Nearly New" -- good name, I thinki.
I am sure a lot of storeowners would like to have the secret as to what brings people in to their shop!
ReplyDeleteI'm still laughing at your wife's comment!
ReplyDeleteI really like the composition of this photograph. Especially the colors.
ReplyDeleteLove the little barking dog in the window.
ReplyDeleteThe shop owner is not making a successful effort to pull people in from the street.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Old Man Winter has a much worse attitude in Maine than when he visits us.
Birdman, if you think I am going to say anything to provoke your wife's ire, you got another think coming. Yes to whatever she says.
ReplyDeleteYou posted yesterday something alike to what I have posted today!