Sunday, February 27, 2011

Episode 7

(an overheard, rambling conversation at Whole Foods the other day)

Two early twenties young ladies at the next table, not overly attractive, yet interesting, talking over salads and coffee. Now, I've been accused of often meandering all over the place in some of my conversations, but in less than 10 minutes one of these gals put me to shame. If I glanced out the window at the storm and then back, I'd be lost. I had to pay attention.

"Watch this guy plowing. He's going to hit this car. Just missed! I'm still taking technology classes, you know... so, he told me I'd be good on location... do you like these bracelets? I like a lot of them on both wrists... I met him at Slainte, been seeing him quite a bit... so are we on our way... we'll pick up Anna."


  1. M'not sure I've heard it that bad before!

    I miss Whole Foods when I'm in the PNW.

  2. I would say it is unusual.

    Here is a link to my 2nd movie. I am learning. I want to add sound but don't yet know how to do that.

  3. They would have lost me shortly after the beginning. Nice shot.

  4. I really do not think this is unusual, it is quite common even here, but I cannot get used to this kind of talk...

  5. Only a mind that thinks that way could ever remember all those comments!!!
    I would have tuned out at 'watch this guy...' but I probably would have tuned back in at the 'bracelets' part.
    While you were gone, on a photo trip in a raging snow storm, the only things overheard around here were...."Meow"...."Meow" .....'purrrrrrrr'.
    Good enough for me.

  6. Sounds pretty typical to me too, but then I work around college students all day!

  7. Having been a teacher, this conversation does not surprise me at all! That's not to say I understand how the minds of such people work, but it's rather fun to listen to them unless, of course, you have something important to do - like take photos! ;-)

    Re your comment on Ocala DP: We have had several Starbucks close up in Ocala. We had a Barnie's Coffee Shop in the mall but that went kaput. I'm not sure how long this one will last, but I think it will do better in the food court than in a stand-alone shop.

  8. I'd have zoned out of that conversation quickly to spare my sanity (or what is left of it)
    Being on the receiving end of a conversation like that with someone or hearing it can be both exhausting and entertaining.

  9. That conversation is just all over the place. Typical, I think, of young culture today. Thoughts just scattered all over the place.

  10. Are you sure that wasn't Gracie A. talking to George B.?

  11. Bird, the older I get the more like these two I"ve become. I can get myself "off track" in a heartbeat. As I have told my friend for years..."Stay with me, I'm changing the subject!"

  12. I think that these conversations happen all the time... we joke about "shifting gears" and giving a hand signal before doing so...

    Very good!

  13. Sometimes referred to in these parts as Whole Paycheck. All kinds on inanities take place.

  14. Interesting series. I can't remember enough of what I overhear long enough to do this. Super job! Great photos!

  15. Ugh, I have a hard time being polite in "conversations" like that! Love Whole Foods - yours is quite fancy compared to ours.

  16. This really made me laugh. I have a friend that converses this way and after a couple of minutes of listening, my head is spinning!
    ☼ Sunny
