Monday, February 7, 2011

Bard Brew

Early Sunday morning, Bard Coffee on Middle Street is pretty devoid of customers. It'll fill fast though, with its fanciers of espresso and wifi. Me? I prefer that basic blend in that big, round cup. Flavorful as all get out. Back in those crazy senior year days, we'd often pile into in ES's ride and motor to Dunkin' Donuts at Woodford's Corner before class at 9 for a cup of coffee and a jelly donut. The first time java touched my lips was on one of these trips. I was a late bloomer with regards to coffee. My first few cups, I remember, were a bit hard to get down in front of the guys. Thank Goodness for that jelly treat! It carried me through any embarrassment. Traveling fast up Ocean Avenue to the sounds of Junior Walker blaring out "Shotgun", Ed always had time for one more butt before class. Sunday morning, lots of sun, melting snow, hot coffee... nice!


  1. I used to love coffee when I was five years old. Then I gave it up for hot chocolate and began with the coffee some time in my teens. I never drink espresso, only a basic cup of coffee with one sugar.

  2. I have been drinking coffee most of my life. From the kind mom boiled in a pan on the old kitchen cookstove to those gadgets that have it ready to drink by the time you get out of bed each morning. The best coffee, in the world, is the old US Army mess hall coffee. Nothing like it and nothing compares to it. From Starbucks to whatever, nothing is as good as that was.

  3. Hmmm and Italian coffee is the best!
    I can't start my day without some coffee!
    Hugs and a nice week,

  4. A late bloomer, perhaps, but you've certainly got the hang of it now.

  5. Looks like my kind of place! I can almost smell the coffee - ahh!

  6. I'm one of thoe rare people that never developed a taste for coffee. I tried but, just couldn't do it and still don't.

  7. I love it, but unfortunately I have to be careful and usually only drink one cup in the morning.

  8. Some cool dudes you all were, I bet.

  9. Birdman -- I use an old fashioned peculator that brews up the best coffee. Agree with Sharon that you and your friends were cool dudes.-- barbara

  10. I never developed the coffee habit - give me a nice cup of tea please!

  11. My husband goes out for coffee every single morning...I think he would really like this place.

  12. Looks and sounds like a terrific Sunday morning.

  13. My MIL swears that a stainless steel percolator makes the best tasting coffee. I prefer the machine that has it ready when I wake up :)

  14. You remind me I have not had my cup of coffee yet and its already 8:25am ! Thanks !

  15. I love coffee and coffee shops. It isn't just the beverage. It is the whole environment, from the music that might be playing, to the people hanging around, to a place to read the newspaper and look out the window. Nice.
