Wednesday, March 30, 2011


These acorn 'hats' were strewn across most of the landscape that I called home in my formative years. I do recall that the acorns themselves got me into mischief on a quite a few occasions. As I recall, the day I took a pocketful into my eighth grade homeroom was not a fine day. A better memory, and something we often did, was to remove the 'hats' and with our ever-present jackknives, hollow out the bowl of the acorn, poke a small hole in its side, secure a reed with a pretty large opening and insert. Voila... a homemade pipe! After filling the bowls from our pouches of Prince Albert tobacco, we'd sit beneath the trees and puff away the afternoons. Huck and Tom had nothing on us!


  1. I never heard of this process but back where I grew up here in Ohio we did the same thing with corn cobs (often used in place of wood or coal to heat homes with in Ohio). There were always plenty of corn cobs. I think we cut the small ends off of bamboo fishing poles for the stems.

  2. Hi,
    Its my first time on your blog !
    great photos ! i will follow you :)
    Greetings from Bordeaux

    Bell x one
    Bordeaux Daily Photo

  3. You definitely grew up in the Tom/Huck tradition!

  4. I really enjoy how you link your pictures to those wonderful stories of your youth. It really does bring your photographs to life!

  5. Beautiful memories.. and a great photogrph.

  6. I love that story! Huck is a particular hero of mine.

  7. They look like a randomly strewn baskets in the thumbnail. You couldn't put a heck of a lot of Prince Albert in an acorn - you need corncobs and the Mississippi to do it right - but A for effort.

  8. My son does stuff like this even now. He also took down my curtain rods this past weekend to make a blow gun. Never a dull moment in my house.

  9. Somewhere there is a Squirrel smoking an acorn pipe.

  10. BIrd,
    I just knew from the start that you were a "bad boy"! I love it . I love your wonderful tales as well. You are a wonderful blogger.
