Monday, December 28, 2009

Snowy Library

Off in the distance, through the snow, you can see the USM(University of Southern Maine) Portland Library. In the foreground, tennis anyone? I think not. The building was built in 1919 as a bakery and operated as such until 1954. After that, Johnson’s Plumbing Supply Company occupied the structure. Once a state-of-the-art baking facility, the building had the load-bearing capability to house a Library. When it opened as the USM Glickman Family Library in 1991, it was identified by students as the 'Lego building' due to its interesting design at the top and color scheme. Growing up in the city, this building was always a landmark, as you approached the hill to head up to Congress Street.


  1. I adore the monikers that students bestow on buildings and the fact that they "stick". There is a hall of residence at the Australian National University in Canberra (Australia's capital) that the students christened "Toad Hall" because the long line of willow trees reminded them of "Wind in the Willows". That is now the officially sanctioned name.

  2. What do a bakery and a library have in common? One nourishes the stomach, the other nourishes the mind. How appropriate.

  3. Looks like it would be a good day to visit the library and find a good book!

  4. I like it when historic old buildings are still be used. This one looks like a gem!

  5. Greetings from the other Portland! I just found your blog. It's great to see your city and area in Southern Maine. Nice photos, thank you.

  6. Tennis anyone?? Does it ever stop snowing up there for anyone to EVER play?? :) We don't see much snow down here so I'm always happy to see shots like these. Of course we had snow for a morning in early Dec. and I'm STILL posting photos. Everyone is numb with boredom but that hasn't stopped me yet!
