Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Playgrounds in the rain are pretty depressing. Whether they are large, like this one at the Oaks, or small they are laden with sadness without the screaming voices of small children. On summer afternoons, this one holds the voices, smiling faces running all over and picnicking mothers sitting on the high banks with their friends. I cannot pass one of these fountains without stopping and taking a sip. I can almost  immediately zoom back in time to Gulliver's Field and all those recognizable friends. High school reunions are not my cup of tea. I want no part of them, but I've always thought it would be great fun to renew the acquaintances of those who hung in our neighborhood, a wonderful place in time with important pieces of me.


  1. Je suis d'accord avec Steffe, enfant j'adorais ça...bon je me faisais gronder par ma mère après ;)

  2. perhaps you can pioneer a "neighborhood reunion" movement. more than a few of us would love to see the friends we hung out with through those long, green summers.

  3. Contemporary playgrounds and equipment look like Disneyland compared with the parks I used to frequent, and I say, "Hoorah," for the engineers and communities responsible for this transition! Kids need tools to awaken their imagination, esp. in fresh air!! As much as I love technology, it cannot compare with good neighborhood friends, playing outdoors.

  4. I remember when I was a kid, I used to enjoy a lot playing at the rain! :)

  5. Yes! Wet playgrounds are really sad. They have so much potential and yet...

  6. How interesting that you think playgrounds are sad on rainy days. I had never thought of that possibility before.

  7. So what's the matter with high school reunions? Maybe your high school had no playground?

    I've never been to one. And it won't be long before I'll start hearing about our 60th! Sheesh. I don't want to hang around a bunch of old people!

  8. I'm still in touch w/one of my neigborhood friends, but wish I could see others. Great idea: neighbor-reunion. (I'm with you about high school reunions.)

  9. Wow, I'd love to do that. I have no idea what happened to any of them but, of course, I now live a long way away.

    Playgrounds in the snow can be even lonelier but also very beautiful.

  10. I feel the same about reunions. Move on I say!

  11. What is notice is the drinking fountain, something you don't see too many of anymore. Either due to the cost of installation, maintenance etc, or health concerns of today. Nice combination of today and yesterday.
