Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Entrance with Bike

Here's the entrance to the Young Men's Christian Association(YMCA) building on Forest Avenue. Growing up, I spent some afternoons here, with my buddies, shooting some pool, and playing b-ball on their court. Later, during my college years, I spent a couple of nights back in town in a small room, on a clandestine trip to see a couple of friends. It was a classic example of a trip well planned, that went wrong at all the important points. I'll not go into the messy details, but suffice to say, I learned a life lesson and never tried that again. Foolish youth!


  1. At least you learned an important lesson! :)

    Great photo. I love the architecture.

  2. Every corner you turn there, you have a memory! Sometimes you need things to go wrong in order to learn and grown from it.

  3. Nice photo. In French we say: "il faut que jeunesse se passe" meaning youth has to pass, youth makes mistakes, we learn from them...

  4. Trips are unpredictable that way...but gorgeous building! (The YMCA song is super famous in Japan!)

  5. I like Ciel's quote! Glad you LEARNED that lesson.

  6. Of course now I want to know the messy details! ha!

  7. Foolish youth and yet you lived to tell the tale! That Y is quite grand compared to the Y where I go daily (4:45am)


  8. Love that door and the beautiful glass above it and of course your story!

  9. T'ain't fair to tease us with a few choice tidbits of what promises to be a juicy tale of misspent youth! C'mon...out with it!!

  10. A clandestine trip! Even this one sounds familiar...

  11. Hehe! Thank goodness most of us grow wiser as we age. :)

  12. Ah, you might have learned a boyhood lesson but I bet it was worth it to try and get away with some, perhaps, mischievous secret? -- barbara

  13. You have lived in Portland so long that you have memories around every corner. I moved away from my childhood home, so my daily life today doesn't have me stumbling across memories from those days.

  14. Sounds sneaky...and fun! Love the green in this photo.

  15. Your little story could lead to wild speculation about what took place. Sounds like a secret to take to your grave.

  16. Love the architecture of this building. Maybe we all should write a story about what might have happened, submit them to you, and you can declare the one who was the closest to the truth!
