Friday, July 1, 2011

Theme Day: Green

I'm GREEN with envy on this one! Today, July 1, 2011 is Theme Day throughout the CDPB (citydailyphotoblog) community. A best friend of mine has this Harley Davidson V-Rod beauty in his garage. All steel and silver... it gives me goose bumps. Now, are you ready for a deep dark secret? I could really see myself roaring away on one of these iron horses. Of course, Elenka is shaking her head, NO, vehemently right now. I hear Harleys racing up the road many days... I hear them off in the distance, a mile away. Some days, I'd love to straddle one, feel it vibrating and race to the horizon line. But that's just me. I can dream, can't I? Varooooom!


  1. Absolutely Birdman, without dreams.. too horrible to think about, but really... a Harley!! they're way to big and scary and I'm totally on Elenka's wavelength!!

  2. Both sound and sight could make anyone green with envy.

  3. Ha, I hear them in the distance and want to tweak their muffler systems...but perhaps that is one of the Harley qualities that tints you the most.

  4. That's a Harley ... cool ! my neighbor has two of them; seems to be customized, it roars !

  5. That IS a beauty! I love all the little reflections.

  6. What a clever entry, Birdman! :-) Great shot.

  7. You are a clever one Birdman! A good representation of 'green'.

  8. Well, that's a novel take on the 'green' theme, for sure. And tho I can easily picture you roaring off on a gleaming Harley (given all your childhood exploits), I'll side with Elenka on this one.

  9. I had a dog who associated Harley sounds to friends coming to visit (we had a lot of bikes around then) and even the biggest meanest-looking strange guy on a Harley would get this wonderful enthusiastic greeting from her!

  10. You made me laugh! Nothing is greener than envy!

  11. nice photo!
    I used to own a motorcycle and it was very fun.

  12. That would be a wonderful toy to have!

  13. The older I get, the more I am starting to think like you are. Varoom in Greensboro, NC, too!
