Friday, March 13, 2009

Burying Ground

Friday the 13th? Do you feel lucky? The fear of Friday 13 is called Paraskavedekatriaphobia. For me, it's just another day. Hopefully, you won't end up in a place like this today. Here's one on the most peaceful places in the city, small but so beautiful.
Stroudwater Burying Ground-'this slope was used for burial beginning in 1727 A. D. and contains many unmarked graves. The earliest recorded stone is 1739.'(on posted sign at entrance)


  1. Why is the light inside a cemetery so extraordinary? I love graveyard shots and this is a particularly nice one.

  2. Although the sun shines, you captured shadows and a looming tree, foreboding elements appropriate for this ancient cemetery. Did you feel any ghosts? When we visit Antietam or Gettysburg I really can feel the anguished spirits.

  3. I love this photo! Nice lighting.

  4. LOVE this shot - great shadows and light.

  5. And triskadeskaphobia is fear of the number 13. I say every Friday the 13th is cause for a pizza and beer party!

  6. No, no fear. I love old graveyards; love to meander about and consider the names and dates on the markers. In fact, I was dying to do that today but couldn't find a cemetery.

  7. I like this photo. I enjoy graveyards and the history they possess.

  8. i enjoyed your photos that I looked through tonight. I have signed up as a follower and look forward to more great photos.
