Thursday, December 10, 2009

Park Row

These Park Avenue flats hunker down in the heart of the blizzard conditions yesterday. The snow was wet and driving most of the morning and made driving conditions a bit sketchy. I took a short walk in the Oaks, but it was too miserable, even to take pictures. Basically, I had the park to myself, oh, except for some idiot trying negotiate his bike in the 4 inches of snow in the city. He was on the losing end of that battle. On the way back to the truck, this image of colors against the snow, caught my eye. The backyard got about 9 inches of wet stuff. My sister, from the left coast, arrives this afternoon for a visit of a week or so. As you might expect, I'm looking forward to this time together.


  1. Doesn't look too miserable for photography. As someone who uses his bike year round (flat tire this morning),I really feel for that cyclist.

  2. The image really works, Birdman. Say hi to your sister from Brattcat.

  3. The snow looks almost horizontal, so I can imagine how difficult it would be to take pictures. This is a nice one though. Your sister came just in time for the cold we're supposed to get this weekend.
